Alright dude, keep in mind I work in a bar, I am a little inebbraited as I type. I dig it, I'm pushin' for you, but there are 3-4 other voices in the mix. I am the guy that is continually writing you by the way. I dig it I dig it I dig it. As your probably sittin there going "Jesus, it didn't take me a long time at all either." So I will let you know if there are any other changes to go on, probably so but don't fret it. Jesus, I'm ranting and I don't even know you. Have a good day
On #6 can you leave the design the same change sports pub & night club to brew bar, add Angola Indiana darken the grey oval a little and take that little circle cut out. thanks
Well so much for no pig image - personally I'd go with miamiman #30 - style , humor, and a darn good design! would love to win but second would be just fine losing to him - I even like it! MM
Never enough time. Any designer can be placed in Rank 1, and then asked for revisions or changes. example: my #63 can be tweaked if placed into rank number one