Hi, Thank you for your many designs! I actually love some that I didn't rank as unfortunately our brief had to change once we found out during the competition that we could put the design on top of the pie - which meant it had to be simpler - but I really loved the designs where you incorporated our heritage listed building esp #161,#162 & #166. What we need to be able to do, is have a logo in two formats if that is possible. One in a squarish size - for the pie, and one in a rectangular size - for the front of the shop - also would be good for the different marketing materials. So if we were to choose your design, would that be possible to get from you? Maybe like #168 (but then 168 in your #173 format as well?) that would give us both formats. I actually like #168 writing & sketch best, but my husband liked the layout of #173, so maybe if we could see that, that might be the trick? Is that possible?