Nice job with colors in the tagline. That is a keeper!
Your font type goes well with the picture you chose and rightfully reminds us of a label on a TV/displays. Since we are not inclined to having literal pictures of humans, that weakens your illustration for us. So nothing wrong just not our preference. I am glad you submitted this entry early on so now every one knows more about our taste. Thank s!
Just to make it more clear - in the tagline we like how you use different colors to get the dual message out (Face Time Transformed and Time Transformed). We suggest making the color of Face different from the words on either side. Good job #2!
Very nice - I like what you did with the Face in the tagline. I really like the text part - everything is a keeper!
Let's work a more on getting the picture part right. Read through what I have posted on the discussion board and look at the top 10 ranked entries to get a good idea of our taste which is more tilted towards abstract symbolism rather than contemporary.
Thanks! The bar is raised one notch higher by your entry!
#58 - like it - can you remove the blue background around the globe? I want to see how that looks.
#59 We have lot of color in the text - given our target audience try not to add too much more color and actually balance the color with a somewhat conservative logo. Just a suggestion.
A general comment - I would urge you not to stop with the globe. For example, #4 is very simple elegant way of messaging connections. Here are some keywords to drive your creativity -
World Global Connections Relationships (biz-to-biz) Bridges (geographical distances as well as between people) Time saved - it a very powerful, if not the most powerful, proposition of our business (I still cannot think of how to best convey that)
You can try overlapping random shapes (rings, triangles, whatever) to show connections as in #4. For example, the logo for Olympics has 5 overlapping rings, one for each continent.
#142... nice concept - do you think making colors a bit lighter/vibrant may make it a bit better- right now all colors are on the dark side. And the image of display with smoother curves?