Thanks for the font and color changes on #34. The proportions on #33 seem jarring and while it has multiple tags, it seems more like military tags than shopping tags.
#35 thanks for giving the amazon logo a try but it really works for them because of the a-z
I moved #36 to not interested because as I mentioned in my prior comment, the smile/arrow isn't relevant for my business.
But I do appreciate how you've tried to make it competitive with entry #3. What do you think about my ideas in comments May 21st, 2009, 5:16pm and May 21st, 2009, 5:28pm on the contest page?
We could discuss it before you implement to save you time.
Hi Richard, I have had a look at your comments and had a go at something new, this is a version #43, tomorrow I was thinking of making a logo with all the letters in their own tags, it may look cluttered but I would be interested to see it. (feel free to throw any thoughts or ideas out there) Thanks, Nik
Thank you!!! As you see, I have ranked #43 as my top choice because I too am curious in seeing how some of my tweaks will work out. It's a fine line between spec'ing and still allowing for creativity.
I wanted to post this list in "private" because it could be too much feedback on the contest page. But it's still public so that other designers can follow my thinking.
I like #43 a lot but here are my reasons why #3 conveys the ease of use requirement from the brief better. -Is there a reason the font color has to change in when we get to the 'k's? Does it convey anything more than the tags already do? -Do the tags have to have a background color? Could it be simplified by using a clear silhouette? -Are we conveying too much by having the tags both be on k? On the other hand, one could argue that by both tags being on k, we are keeping things simpler. -Do the tags have to be pointed in different directions? Does the first k have to lifted that far and at that much angle to the baseline?
Alrighty, As you can see I had a few ideas today... #63 #64 #68 #69 are variations of #43 #65 was just the idea of a barcode as a tag ($ was also considered) #66 #67 are a new idea, a line of tags with one singled out, #67 has an enamel finish just to see how it looks. i also thought no bar and no string attached to the tags with one just slightly lifted might look ok.
Thanks again for all your efforts. I'm going to get a little subjective (ie what Richard likes vs. what Picky Ricky as a corporation wants, if that makes sense.) I am NOT asking for any changes but wanted to let you know how I feel. (I'm just venting)
In every CH's dream a logo is simple and perfectly conveys what they want. So while I love how #3 and #69 are simple and just pretty in their own right, they can't win because they don't convey the contest brief. sigh. But that explains, for now, why I've ranked it above #65 and #66.
Right now, I love #65 and #66 because they convey a more professional/boring/corporate image (this is a compliment!) than #72. I just don't think the cent symbol is very professional (and Aus-Media did a great job making it look professional. I am posting a comment to Aus-Media to ask him to read this page, so I'm not playing favorites.) It's just something I have against it psychologically; I think the Euro looks professional (the dollar is overused, the pound looks too complicated.) [@Aus-Media, I am NOT asking for changes because I don't know how a cent could look more corporate and I don't want to frustrate you with changes I can't describe.]
I do know that #65 would look better with both tags hanging down because the left and right sides would look more like the scales I mention in today's briefing update.
Hi Richard, I have just seen the scales comment and will implement it!! Great idea!! the latest at this point is #79, both tags hanging down and a euro sign for a "c". The tags have a shiny finish, the letters could that way too? I have some ideas bouncing around my head that I will work on. All the feedback is great, feel free to be as specific or harsh as you like!! I will have some revisions and new ideas over the next 24hrs!! ;)
thanks for the revisions. the euro looks especially nice. however, let's just keep it the regular c for now. when i expand to europe maybe we could add that. :)
also, let's keep the tags normal for now and not have the shadow. thanks for having the tags hang down.
i'm glad you like the scales idea. i think all you need to do is have the left half slightly higher or lower than the right half (ie Picky either higher or lower than Ricky to connote the scales idea). it's simply a matter of position and NO new elements. if this change doesn't convey that enough, then we could think about shadows or lines.
#92 scale effect #93 "" "" web2.0 finish on tags #94 "" "" added a $ symbol, I know its over used and common but my thinking was when you advertise internationally the symbol can be replaced with $€¢£¥₠₡. #95 "" "" blank tags for simplicity #96 "" "" tick and a cross to symbolize making an informed selection
thanks for all the revisions, i'm not a big fan of the alternating colors because i don't understand what it conveys. i don't like the x because the x seems like it screams 'NO' which is negative in my mind. i think the upc tags are very clear and don't need the dollar signs.
i forgot to mention that i like #92 over #93 because they dangle and don't just hang.
in general i like web 2.0 effects because they look nice but i feel that the "cool/nice" aspect distracts from what the logo is trying to per the contest brief, unless it is used to emphasize it.
in other words, if the web 2.0 effects emphasize points 2 and 3 in the contest brief (quality and fun), by giving that additional weight, it detracts from point 1 (the comparison). see what i mean?
another preference i have is, i would prefer to be perceived as a fortune 500 company than a web 2.0 company.
Hi Richard, Thanks for the feedback, i have had a look at some fortune 500 logo's and agree with you, the web2.0 effect needs to be used in a particular way to maintain the goals/integrity of the logo. E.G. GM and ford Would you like a logo that conveys your message in an even more simple way? Could the web2.0 effect be used only on the chosen tag? Just some ideas, Thanks, Nik
hi, #106 is the same as #92 just with the Picky raised #107 The tags make up the letters with the i being picked #108 #109 some web2.0 variations thanks, nik
at this point, i don't want to incorporate the tag line into the logo because the point of the logo is to convey the tagline without words.
your implementation in #119 looks nice and it's given me an idea for a few tweaks.
of all your entries, my favorite is #117. however, i'm still afraid the point of the displacement of Picky vs. Ricky won't be apparent (because the displacement is slight versus how big the font and tags are).
i think i'd like to continue tweaking #117 and incorporate the scale into that by making the following changes: -instead of it being a hanging scale, it should be like a balance beam scale like That way we avoid having additional elements like the chain to hold each side to the center vertical beam to keep the logo as simple as possible. To represent the platter, you can have something like a line (you'll have to experiment with the height and darkness of it) but the width should either be slightly longer than "ick" or slightly shorter than "ick". I don't think a line that is exactly the length of "ick" looks good and I don't think something that is the entire length of Picky or Ricky looks good because it would just look like underlining for those letters or the entire word.
Ideally, that should be sufficient. I'm hoping we don't need a center bar to convey a fulcrum point as Picky Ricky are similar enough that I think people can envision a "center" by themselves.
What if the tags weren't hanging? Could we incorporate the tags somehow into Picky Ricky without killing the cleanness of the printed word? Here are some ideas: 1. Picky [] Ricky [] - little tags after each word 2. Picky Ricky - the price tag is the little dot above the i's 3. Picky Ricky - the price tag or bar code is the backbone of the P or the i or the k. the bar code on the i would probably look the cleanest. please don't use a different color as the rest of the letters if you can avoid it!!
Hi Richard, Great ideas, I have done a few variations of things, #121 #122 #123 #124 #125 I like the platter under the "ick", I can see an advantage to having the central arm (makes things clear) but does it complicate the logo? Maybe the barcode could be on the 1st P and second "i", feel free to mix and match. Thanks for all your feedback, Nik
thanks for the variations. Could you make the following changes on #123 please? a. the fulcrum should just be a triangle, no need for that circle on the point b. please remove the line that connects the two platters, the triangle fulcrum conveys the point of choice without making it literal c. could you add some more space between the platters and the words picky ricky? not too much more but right not it looks too close
i also like #121. could you make the following changes to that one please? -same as c above -and the tags don't need to hang off the dots
hey Richard, #128 revision of #121 #129 revision of #123 #130 picky has a more square treatment on the font #131 "" "" #132 "" "" and another tag option the thought of adding more tags to the logo has entered my mind e.g. #130 could have 3 or 4 more tags attached to highlight the comparison aspect? thanks, Nik
No worries Richard, Just a few small changes, #155 #156 #157 the idea was drawing more attention to the comparison side of the logo 'weighing up the tags". thanks, Nik
could you make a variation of #131 where the dot on the i is a normal circle and make the bar code not take up as much width of the i? i like #131 because Picky Ricky is unobstructed by tags but the i's are very distracting.
hi richard, #167 the barcode is the span of the original 'i' letter, ah im looking at it and thinking maybe the dots are a bit low, I will submit another. #168 just a simple variation of the tags making the dot of the 'i'. thanks nik
yeah looking at #167 and #169 in comparison to #168, the i with the barcodes look really wide and that's one of the reasons why i don't like those variations.
thanks for picking up on the space between the dot and the rest of the i
i'm going to mark #168 as unranked even though i like it, in fairness to contenders #2 and #3. i like the smaller tags but it feels like they are accent marks on Picky Ricky. I think i like to see the dot on the i's.
the contest ends today and so it appears at this point you are the winner! congratulations! during judging mode, could you come up with different color variations of #157 please? ie, don't necessarily tweak the design any more unless you think of something better but just swap out the colors.
to save space, bandwidth, time, you could put maybe 4 variations per entry just so i can see what the different color combinations look like since the design isn't changing.
i'd like to see some variations with pastel blue, light orange, platinum blonde, fluorescent red, peach, maroon. not necessarily together of course!
or picky ricky could be the same color/hue but just different saturation/lightness.
just use your judgment as to what looks good and polished.
Hi Richard, Looks like I missed the rush, the time difference is a bugger. Good luck finding your logo, color changes are easy to make if you decide on one of my logo's. Thanks, Nik