Pickleball PandemoniumLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Pickleball Pandemonium
Pickleball Pandemonium has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 75 designs
from 10 different designers from around the world.
We are sorry, but the time to edit this annotation has expired.
Logo Design Brief
Help Cancer Patients Out of a Pickle
What We Do
The Mayday Foundation is hosting a pickleball tournament as a fundraiser for our mission. The tournament will be casual and cheating will be encouraged.
Color Preferences
Please only use the red, blue, green and yellow listed below. Black and grey are also acceptable.
PMS 185 C
PMS 2925 C
PMS 360 C
PMS 1375 C
PMS 877 C
PMS 185 C
PMS 2925 C
PMS 360 C
PMS 1375 C
PMS 877 C
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I have attached a copy of The Mayday Foundation's current logo for reference. Using the same colors will be great. Including the word Mayday somewhere in the logo would also be preferable. I do not want any pickles in the logo but a pickleball paddle would be ok.