hey Plamen- we will definately rank you number 1 but can we ask one last version. Could we Do the ACTIVE AS ^CTiVE but with the A as an inverted V that matches the V and a non caps i.
Just to try a little more modern with the wording. Thanks for all the edits and versions. You've done a great job.
Hi Plamen
I really like this. Could you please show me a version that has grey instead of the light green? You did one similar to that however the green 'Physica' was a lighter green and we would like to keep the Physica in current dark green here.
Could we also see what adding some other colours would look like... maybe Blue, orange or whatever for the 'Active'
hi Plamen- could you use the eps file to keep the Physica the same- use the image at the front as is and just use the word Active underneath so that Physica isnt in there twice. Thanks for submitting these logos.
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Just to try a little more modern with the wording. Thanks for all the edits and versions. You've done a great job.
I really like this. Could you please show me a version that has grey instead of the light green? You did one similar to that however the green 'Physica' was a lighter green and we would like to keep the Physica in current dark green here.
Could we also see what adding some other colours would look like... maybe Blue, orange or whatever for the 'Active'
can you tell me the name of the font?
Here are my first options.
Please don't hesitate to leave comments and advices.