inspiration: your brief. aperture w/ vines + typography in a simple bold manner... very clean, modern, and flexible... works well in full, reverse, or one colors... thanks for your time...
shortened the tagline as its extremely long and won't be able to be worked into a logo without it looking very cramped and breaking up good symmetry... another option would be to incorporate it into the site/branding materials rather than having it attached to the logo...
Thanks for working on my tournament! I really appreciate your time and all of the entries.
I like that you tried to incorporate the vine into the lens/aperture blades. I wasn't sure how that would work and now that I see it, I think it could be the wrong direction. Looks very "wagon wheel-ish'. I definitely like the reverse color scheme of #17 - it pops off the gray background.
A couple of ideas. Can we try:
- removing the slogan, no need to worry about that. - combine the lens of #16 with the text of #19 - for the dotted i - can you try a small graphical "sprout" of some kind? - overall, i feel these 2 fonts are drastically different... one looks a little old and the other modern/futuristic. I'm actually somewhere in the middle here. I was more drawn towards the modern one, but don't know if it's quite right. if you have some other ideas, i'd love to see them.
revised a touch - made the outer portion a little thicker to show the gradient better... also added a bit of subtle shading to the full color option with the darker grays...
Thanks again for submitting many new ideas to look at!
#22 & #27 - I really like the lens / aperture blades in these 2 concepts. I'm having trouble deciding between them.
In general, I'm liking the lighter font treatment a bit more than the bolder.
For the "i" - can we try a normal letter... but just the dot of the "i" look like 2 little leaves
My next idea might be a little wild - but I'd love to see a concept where each of the aperture blade / leaves is a different color - all over the color spectrum / rainbow.
I think the idea of multiple colors is appropriate - the brand is based around art so it fits well... I would have to say that I'm leaning towards this variation personally (actually I wouldn't change a thing on it, I love it :)...
Its very clean, modern, and striking... the overall design conveys a cleverness about the brand in the way it accurately depicts the aperture and leaves in a very simple and clean manner... its flexible + scalable which is the mark of a professional logo - works great in one, full, reverse, grayscale + would look great at a 16x16 favicon size or blown up on a billboard... the color brought it to another level & added a touch of the art vibe... I like the type in one color personally using the type weight to differentiate between the words in a subtle manner...
clever, slick, and clean design is appealing... add a sexy interface + quality content and you got yourself a great site with a large fan base + ad money falling out of your pockets ;) just take a look Envato + their Tuts+Network...
I do like the other one as well, I just think the execution leaves (no pun intended) to much empty or white space within the logomark + and it wouldn't scale as well to small formats as the one in the 3 spot.
Just let me know what your thinking + if you'd like to see further revisions to the one in the 2 spot... Its your baby after all ;)
Wow - you're absolutely right. The color took it to another level.
I think I need to let it sink in for a bit!
Could you try the color approach to the small aperture blades / leaves in #42? I hear what you're saying about empty / negative space... I just want to be sure.
Also - could you try a version without the small dots around the lens? Just the outside solid line and the colored leaves?
Thanks again! We've making GREAT progress. Really liking this concept.