Can you make the font more elegant and feminine? You're at a good start. Can you create a few more other designs as well? I like the direction od the design that #67 #66 and #65 is going.
I like the improvements that you've made in the font for #115, but I also want it to still look classic and not too playful/childish so can you experiment in making some incremental changes to improve the design.
yes, I still do a little sketch and gather information about what typography has a positive impact for your brand, I still see no graphics and visual conformity to other products.
#115 Can you try the font #125 used? Can you try different color combinations besides rainbow? I like the gradation effect how the each color blends to another, but the color used makes it look a little too playful for what we're going for. I still want the logo to look sophisticated and classy.
okay, thanks! just read your message above. yes, definitely feel free to experiment with some other fonts if you can. (Just on a side not, I actually like the subtext beneath the logo to be skewed as seen in #122 as you've done originally.
You see how there's a slight reflection below the logo for #96? Can you try the same effect on #128 and #122? For 122, can you change the font to be the same as #128?
Overall, I like the design of #144 and #148 the most. Can you refine the logo for me? I'm not sure what other ways to improve its appearance, but I want it to look a little more sophisticated and creative.
For #148, can you move the subtext below Photopia to be between the two P's as you've previously done in the past. Thanks! And can you remove the reflection for #148? When the reflection is added, the appearance isn't as clean as I would like.
For #144, can you try intensifying the reflection? And not have the first P be a part of the reflection? Thanks, again its about finessing and refining the logo. Thanks!
I like #153. definitely starting to look more modern. Can you make the shadow effect a little more apparent? Additional incremental changes to improve the design is encouraged as well, but definitely focus on #153 over all the other logos you've done so far since its my most favorite design out of all the logos you've done so far.
Thank you very much, I will upload the file after you end the contest completely and to allow me uploading the files and contacting your email to add the final images set.
#146 and #147 are actually logos that we prefer. Once we saw the original #153 in a larger format, we thought the curve on the "photopia" draws the view of the eyes away from the center. We like your other work as well. We were wondering if we could get the other two designs to see in a larger format. We don't want to make you redesign anything as we know the contest is already over. We thank you for all you've done.