Thank you for your submission. Right away, #152 strikes me as the most interesting of the bunch, but I prefer the text weight/color of #153 - it's a bit bolder and easier to read.
I like the "L" shape surrounding the letters, do you have any ideas for some tweaks of the design? One possibility is to add a solid shape (square - rectangle ) somewhere behind and have the "L" be white and intersecting it? (I'm not if that even works - just sounds interesting)
I think you've got the idea - #160 and #159 were basically what I was talking about. I think that's good start. I don'nt really like the font, though, can you try something a bit more modern - I prefer small caps to upper or lower case - here's some examples of a similar style '', '', ''
With #168 and #170, can you align the "L" with the edges of the box - it looks a little bit disorganized as it is. Also, I'm not really fond of the new font - it's a little bit 'futuristic or sci-fi' looking, which isn't really what I was going for. Can you try a simpler, modern font.
Maybe something similar as #442 - but in a rectangular format instead of a circle? I love the edge treatment. Also - maybe try having both "L" and "D" as caps? not sure if this font will work for that, but I like the style of the font used - maybe something between the font in #442 and #446?
Okay, #449 is good - I like the gray tones of the font, but I'd prefer not to have "leo" be a different color - having my name the same color as 'photography' would be better. Also - I'd prefer not to have a gradient within the graphic element.
I like this, but I'm thinking more like a rectangle (horizontal orientation) than a square? Maybe with the 'torn edges' look not quite so prominent. I'm thinking piece of paper with torn edges. Also, I'm thinking of the initials in caps / small caps, I'm not sure I like the uppercase "L" and lowercase "D".
thanks - again for the feedback - Upper-case for L and D using cursive font may be hard to read and may not look nice either - but will give it a shot soon - need to find the right font for all Cap initials to work nicely
You might be right. I'm thinking what if we use a font (doesn't have to be very elegant in this case), but that's white and thick enough to where you see what the letters are, but also "splits" up the rectangular shape - something like the design I have ranked #2 - the thickness of the letters would make this readable on any background since the letters would be transparent (white in this case), but something like that would work on any background - does that make sense?
Oh, I'm also thinking that the rectangle needs to be a bit longer and the torn edges a bit less visible.
Interesting design - I like the rectangular torn edges design - the gray works nicely, as does the yellow. I'm not sure about the font choice - maybe something similar - I was also thinking of something thicker regarding the font.
Also - after you tweak the font color - can you also change the orange color to something just a bit closer to red ( something like this? FFA532 - just something with a bit more contrast ) - and one with black & white for the graphic element.
I prefer #505 - the bit of space around the initials actually looks a bit better. Can you also change the orange color to something just a bit closer to red ( something like this? FFA532 - just something with a bit more contrast ) - and try one with black instead of orange.
I do like the subtle gradient you did - it looks good.