I much prefer the style of the initials in #179. Can we try the font all one color - the gray you had there looks good. Also, I'd like to see the 'photography' a bit taller - as it is now, it's just a bit hard to see.
So far, I like #179 the best - can you try it with the same font, but keeping all gray? instead of gray/orange in the font? Also, can I see what it would look like in b&w and lastly, can you do one with the orange a tad darker - closer to red, thanks!
Love it! One more little tweak, using #204 as a starting point, can you make the "leo druker" all one color - something halfway between the color of the word "Druker" in #179 and #204? Also, can you change the yellow color to something closer to #205 - not quite that red, but maybe halfway between #204's color and #205's? Does that make sense? Thanks!
Thanks - it's an interesting concept. What I don't like is how 'whimsical' the entire form appears - this isn't a bad thing - I do like the individual letters you used within the first concept - but in that case, the whimsy is balanced nicely with the more modern and elegant text next to it - in this case, the whimsy takes over a bit - which is interesting, but I'm more partial to the first concept.
Close, but lets try the color you've got in the very edge of #204 - also - can you do one without the gradient - just a solid color (using the same orange as at the edge of #204)
I'm still very much liking the original design (#204) - can you try it in a grayscale? light shades of gray - something like that? Oh, and if you don't mind, can you try one with the font for "Leo Druker" - in a very similar style, but as a serif font, not sans serif like the one you have now ? (I'm thinking similar font style like the design I've ranked #5? (the 'photography' part is perfect as is the design of the "LD" :)
Excellent. Can you try the grayscale without the gradient as well as having both "leo" and "druker" in the same dark gray color as you have "druker"? Also - is the edge of the square soft or hard? it looks like there's just a bit of softness between the edge and outer border? if it's soft - can you make it sharp and if it's already sharp - can you increase the distance from the square to the outside border by another 1-2 pixels?
Thanks! It's looking great so far. Just a couple tweaks.
Here is the tweak but colors dont really work in black and white as the letters need to be in white so they can work with other colors anyways i did something as requested