PhotocoatLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Photocoat

Photocoat has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 373 designs from 37 different designers from around the world.






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Dear raqi aditya,

First of all, thank you very much for submitting your works :D!
My team also likes ideaz99's works, but I personally love your work the best!
So I decided to send your a private message to give you more details about what we want.

Your design in "o" of Photocoat's "coat" seems common and looks familiar.
We really love your logo using fonts and typography, but would it be possible for you to add more uniqueness?
We love your design, but ideaz99's #14, #17, and #18 has more uniqueness and creativity.
So we believe if you add more creativity and more idea in your work, your work will be the best!
It would be great if you can make the logo more unique and creative :D!

We are looking forward to your creative updates :D!

Best regards,

The Photocoat team
12 years ago
Oops, since we contacted other designer first, we forgot to change your name!
We meant insignificart :D!
12 years ago
By the way, we really like your "brooklands" logo, so maybe you can make creative logo like that one ;)!
12 years ago
Dear insignificart,

First of all, thank you very much for your hard work and for submitting a lot of great designs :D!
The contest progress changed from "Open" to "Top 5", so we have updated our ranking!

Here is our general feedback for everyone:

Our investors suggested few things regarding logo and icon design.
Since Photocoat will be targeting millions users of 8 billion on Facebook,
we want our logo (identity) to be loved by millions of users.
In other words, if the logo is gaudy and flashy, only 10% will like our logo.
On the other hand, if the logo is minimal and simple, 90% will like our logo.

Here is further details of a logo and an icon we want:

1) Minimality and Simplicity
Please keep our logo minimal and simple, not complex!
If you design a complex logo, our story and our message will get fuzzy.
Keep it minimal and simple.

Please look at the site below for examples of minimal logos:

As you can see in the website above, their logos are very minimal and simple.
But at same time, has a lot of creativity and idea hidden!

2) Colors
Please use only 1 or 2 colors.
We are seeing logos using red, yellow, green, and blue, but that looks like Microsoft!
But dont use blue like Facebook, because our logo will not stand out on Facebook's design.
Please use color wisely!

3) Fonts and Typography
Please don't just use Helvetica.
Anyone can make a typographic logo like that.
Please be creative with fonts and typography!

Please look at the website below to learn about how Facebook's logo was created.

As you can see, Facebook's logo is all about typography.
Please focus 90% of your design on typography.
Ultimately, typography will affect how the logo will look.

4) Icon

We are also asking everyone to include an icon for Photocoat.
Please design a minimal icon with a lot of expression about "filter effect".
We have no rules regarding designing an icon, so please be creative freely!
But please remember that the icon will be "the face" of Photocoat's Facebook Page,
so please make sure the icon will look very good in Facebook Page!

Maybe you can use "negative space" creatively to design our icon:

Again, we are looking forward to seeing what kind of creative and awesome minimal logos you will design!
And remember, please focus a lot on minimality and typography!
We have only 2 days left until the contest is finished, but we are looking forward to your updated works ;)!

Best regards,

The Photocoat team
12 years ago
Dear insignificart,

First of all, thank you very much for updating your work #251 #252, and #253!

We actually prefer #96, so maybe you should stick the concept of #96!
Try changing the color of #96, maybe designing an icon for #96, or try different fonts/typography!
We want to see different colors, icons, and fonts/typography, so please show us some multiple options :)!

Again, thank you very much for your time and kindness :D!

Best regards,

The Photocoat team
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#226 ... with all respects for Adobe and their wonderful software, like Photoshop for instance... :)
12 years ago
Dear insignificart,

First of all, thank you very much for your message :)!

We personally really really really love #96.
So would be possible for you to give us few different color options for #96?
We really like your work, so we don't want you to give up :(!
Maybe you can change the black color of #96 to different color (maybe blue, orange, or even multicolor.)

How about making the peeled part of "P" of #96 to multicolor!?
Maybe you can make the peeled part gradient like, rainbow like colors!
But keep the rest of the logo simple ;)!

Please don't feel stressed, we still have 2 days left :)!

Best regards,

The Photocoat team
12 years ago
Dear insignificart,

Would it be possible for you to add a "colorful peel" on #96?
As we said, #96 is near perfect, we just want a little more accent.
Can you add some colors on "peeled part" of #96?
Keep everything the same, but just add some colors at the peeled part :)!

Best regards,

The Photocoat team
12 years ago
Dear insignificart,

First of all, thank you very for your updates :)!

Since it is difficult to decide which color fits, we want you to focus on typography.
When designing our logo, please "design your new and best, simple and original font".
Typography will affect the outcome of the logo most, so please create an original font :D!

For icon, please remember that icon will be used for Facebook Page.
Icon is not a logo mark, and it is icon for application.
Maybe it would be easier if you try to design an iPhone app icon :)!
We also need an icon, so please include an icon :D!


The Photocoat team
12 years ago
Dear insignificart,

First of all, thank you very much for your updates!

After looking at your updates #285 #286 #289 and #290, we still love #96!
We think font/typography on #96 is better then #285 #286 #289 #290.
The font used on #285 #286 #289, and #290 looks cheap :(.

We really love your logo #96, so try to make improvement on typography!
For example, zhukorn's #242 is using a custom-made font for our logo.
We want to see unique typography in our logo, so if you make improvement in the typography,
we will pick you as winner of our contest ;)!

We have less than 24 hours left, but we are excited to see more of your updated work until the last minute!
We are looking forward to your updates!

Best regards,

The Photocoat team
12 years ago
Updated feedback:

We want more variation on typography, so please show us a lot of options for fonts/typography!
Don't just use Helvetica or normal fonts, we want simple but with uniqueness!

For an icon, please don't make the motif or the concept "P".
We want the icon to NOT be typographic, so please make the concept more focused on "photos" or "filter effects".
Please don't use "P" in our icon!

Again, thank you very much!
Let's make the last 20 hours a good one ;)!

Best regards,

The Photocoat team
12 years ago
Dear insignificart,

First of all, thank you very much for you hard work!
We have 10 hours to go, but we are really excited to see your masterpiece until the last minute :D!

We want you to play around with font/typography more!
Try to "Be simple, but playful."

Here are some of logos for inspiration:

As you can see, the logos above are simple, and is focusing on typography.
But at same time, it has playful design, without losing the simplicity.
(They also have simple and playful icon!)

Please stay simple, but play around with typography!
Add sense of fun and playful spirit to our logo and icon :)!
Again, "Be simple, but playful."

And last but not least, have fun :)!

Best regards,

The Photocoat team
12 years ago
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