First of all, thank you very much for your great work!
We really love the font and typography you are using!
The font and typography you used is great :D! The logo is great, but we want to see some icons from you :)! Only 9 hours left, but can you also design an icon for Photocoat? Since you have posted only one option for us, we want to see more work from you! And please make it creative and unique, and please express "filter effect" more!
Again, thank you very much and we are looking forward to your future updates :D!
#198 is a development of #133 as I thought the white area between the colour blob shapes could take on a the image of a person, and the colour shapes represent different colours that could be applied to the background with a filter. The colour blobs look a bit like paint which suggests an artistic touch. #199 and #200 are versions with the name which could be used separate from the icon.
First of all, thank you very much for your hard work! We have 9 hours to go, but we are really excited to see your masterpiece until the last minute :D!
We want you to play around with font/typography more! Try to "Be simple, but playful."
As you can see, the logos above are simple, and is focusing on typography. But at same time, it has playful design, without losing the simplicity. (They also have simple and playful icon!)
Please stay simple, but play around with typography! Add sense of fun and playful spirit to our logo and icon :)! Again, "Be simple, but playful."