Rah, thanks so much for your submissions! We definitely prefer #46 & 45 more than #47 for simplicity reasons, but we really are loving your creativity! We do think the design feels a little more budget-oriented than expensive. We can tell you're playing up the fun aspect (which we love), but we think it's more important for this logo to project an expensive feel more so than the fun aspect. Of course, we're not looking for stuffy either; it's quite a fine line! If you removed the camera in the O and just played up the elephant aspect with a serif font, could this still work in your opinion? Thanks again!
it's a good idea to use serif font, it gives the sense of expensive! as you can see.. and I think it is important to give the fun aspect it is one of the important aspect that hope and seek in this business. IMHO I believe this logo also unique and will attract people in first sight, rather than emphasizing photo/photography with common element, why? because you already has the word photo in your logo, the point is what photo about? it's safari. if you have other point of view, you are welcome..