Brisa, thanks for your entries! We've been looking at your logo in the website design we have (see and it seems like it doesn't fit the best when compared to the others. We're not sure if it's the color combination or the fluidity of yours; what do you think? We do like your idea but the others seem to fit just a hair better at the moment. Thanks!
Brisa, thanks for the new entries!! Can you make the following changes to #31?
Remove rectangle around lens that forms camera Use #333333 for dark areas (where dark brown currently is) Use #a89e6e for light areas (where yellow used to be and now light tan exists)
Sorry, 1 more thing! Is it possible to incorporate our tag line of "Adventures are only a click away!" below the logo? You can use the font and color you believe expresses this the best and works with what you have already created. Thanks!
Hey, Brisa! Thanks for the updates! I normally mess around in Photoshop before asking people to change colors, but I figured yours would work out well with colors we're using on our website and I didn't actually try them out before asking you. And I totally hate the new combination!! (I'm sorry!!) Can you take a look at and choose some colors that look good with the site? What you used in #31 is extremely close to perfect, but the brown looks a tad purple and the tan looks a tad orange to me when we put it next to everything else we're doing. Also, is it possible to unshade the word NETWORK and bump up the font size for the tag line? The logo will probably appear around the same size it does on this site in most places and the tag line would be hard to read at that size.
Hey, Brisa! Thanks so much for these additions! I love the concept you have with these, but I still feel the color is a little off. If you open, look at your submissions alongside the logo at the top of the webpage. To me, it seems like the colors clash between the 2. What do you think? When I imagine these in black and white, I really like them, but in color, they're still a little off to me.
If you're willing to look at other color options, could you also make the following changes to your new 3:
#84 Extend top and bottom of S a little Space letters of safari evenly (SAFA appears to have more spacing between letters than ARI) Remove line below Photo Safari
#82 Remove line above network Reduce spacing in SAFARI between letters