Hi there! I put you in the top 5 for our contest with hopes that we could see an edit or two of #160. I like the simplicity of this a lot! However, could we see it with a flame in the lantern instead of a light streak? Also, could we see Phos in a font that isn't so graffiti-like? We like hand-written look, but want it to see more natural than edgy. Also, is there a way to take the side handles off the lantern and just make the lantern itself a little wider? We would really appreciate seeing these edits!
I really appreciate your feedback! I can work on the changes you requested right away. However, per Logo Tournament rules, only the #1 ranked designer can upload revisions during judging mode.
We like entry #212, however we aren't sold on it. Could we see it with up to 10 different fonts (that we haven't seen yet)? We think that is what may be holding us up. And, is the font for #212 in bold? If so, could we see it without bold? Another edit we may like is if there was a small handle on the top of the lantern. Lastly, can we see one of the images in grayscale to know what that would look like?
Thank you for your continued help! I think we are almost there!
Thank you so much for your help and quick responses! I like where you are headed with the fonts in #224 and #233. Is there a way to separate the spacing with the font on #233 just a little bit so that the letters aren't touching? I think this would help it be easier to read. Also, when I mentioned the grayscale look, I am sorry I wasn't very clear! Could we see the logo with the black part black and the orange part gray... just wondering what it would look like if printed in black and white with the orange part still different by being gray. As for the handle, thank you for adding it! I think we are looking for one that is something you could actually stick a few fingers through to carry, though, making the light mobile. However, we don't want it to be too big on the top of the lantern. How about taking the smaller top part of the lantern that is already there, above the black base that is touching the orange, and making it white on the inside? I hope that makes sense! Please let me know! Also, if we choose you, how does the process work next? Can we ask for edits or font names, etc, following selection?
Thank you again for your continued help! You do great work!
Hi! No problem, will post revisions in a short while. Regarding the next stage, once you've chosen me as the winner, I'll be required to upload the necessary files thru LT and then you'll have to click on the APPROVE button to finalize the project. I'll be able to provide you with the font names or edits even after approval.
Thank you for all of your help! I think we are rounding the corner on a decision... just waiting to hear word from others. I ranked first the one that I liked best, but I am not the only one making the decision! The lantern/handle looks great. And the font spacing looks great as well. The only thing bothering me left on the logo is that the spacing to the left of the C in COMMUNITY all the way to the bottom part of the P is bigger than the spacing above the words COMMUNITY CHURCH and below the "HOS" of Phos. Is there a way for the spacing all around COMMUNITY CHURCH to remain the same?
Thank you! We are having our final meeting today in a couple hours and I think at least I know what I like best, but it is in two different images. Could you take image #212 and replace its lantern with the lantern with the handle from #247? And, could the spacing in the letter in all three words be just a touch more? Hopefully, this gives the words more readability and makes them stand out more. Not too much more spacing, but just a little.
Also (so sorry!), do you have any suggestions for making this logo something that isn't Halloween's colors? How could we have the same simple, clean effect, but not so Halloweenish?
Hi there! We are at our meeting right now and a couple more edits were suggested for us to check out. Then, I think we can pick a winner!
• Can we see the font that is currently ranked first like this: Phos Community Church (instead of all lowercase or all caps)? We would like to see different edits with capitalization like this to make a choice.
• Could we see a couple other color choices? We are using a deep, burnt red (not primary) in our building and that may be an option. Also, what would it look like to have a grey between the grey and the black you had? Lastly, what about using a brown? What are your thoughts on that?