you have put together some great concepts here. overall I'm impressed with the different ideas you've come up with. I've ranked your top designs, but you withdrew a few versions I actually preferred. Now that they're gone, I couldn't tell you which where which.
The problem is that I'm not sure which direction I want to go. The more professional look like rank #1, or more what I'd call 'toon' style or animated. I think in a more formal environment, your designs may not be a good match. Your designs are great for informal environments and kid stuff too. All of which I want to offer (so don't take that as negative, it's actually a good thing).
I extended the contest to think about my strategy a bit more since I've been presented with some great options and I need to decide which path I want to take. I wish I had enough $ to buy them all. I love two of your designs but just not sure how to take advantage of the concepts. I can only have one logo, but think your designs can be used elsewhere as well.