I think I've come to the conclusion, I won't be able to pick a winning logo... I'm going to have to have my friends and family vote on these.
The treats in #51 look much better now. I like the font better than #50.
I REALLY like the pink border on #52. I like the font for the P better on #54 than #52 though. The picture of the lady in #54 is definitely a nice added touch. The T in #53 is a little hard to read. I like #54 and #52 out of the last 4 submitted.
We do a lot of cake balls that look like cupcakes. So if you could, make the cupcakes look just a LITTLE more like these links without (maybe) the sticks . This way it will work for both the cupcakes and cakeballs.
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_IIa8sml7j0s/SliiLjuroJI/AAAAAAAABvY/tYzdzdMDqtw/s1600/pop+cake.jpghttp://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Z73_2Tlc7T0/TM2I2B-rg_I/AAAAAAAABJU/5xZz2xp8R48/s1600/cake+pops.jpgWe do some like these as well. But maybe they don't look as exciting on a logo?