For entry #6, we feel that the logo is a little too 'blobby' without a clear idea of what's going on. Clearly it's cat focused, but we need to be a bit more pet 'agnostic.' I also think the text and color scheme should be a little more comforting -- right now it's a little more professional/stoic.
Hi. I added two logo designs to the contest #98 and #99. I don't know if my designs will make it into the contest, since I'm a "probationary" designer. This means, my designs need to be judged first by LogoTournament itself and there isn't a lot of time left. So I use this way to let you know I uploaded designs.
We reviewed entry #32. It doesn't really convey what the product is (helping pets or the social networking integration). Right now the design at the end of the logo looks like a flower as opposed to a paw-print. It's a cute design though, but if you could rev and add some of the core elements to the logo, that would be useful.