You keep making us happy! We’d like the 3 orbits, per our public feedback--somewhere between your #1 and similar one--which had 4??. Contemporary colors, not primary or secondary, unless you can make them memorable, like #17, #2, #26 & #81/82.
Hey eyefibre, great job on the "P" I think it's clearer, don't you? So, I miss-spoke: I meant to say can we pull "Pervasive" off the globe, not "publishing"?. I wouldn't mind seeing that, unless you think it's not good. I see we lost the bottom portions of the orbits when "publishing" is outside the globe, which I didn't anticipate. Would not want to lose those on top of the globe, if Pervasive goes up there--so place it higher than the orbits?? I'd rely on your design instincts. You're doing very well in this contest. Just wondering what the variances might look like. Try 'em yourself & let us know!