Hi, thanks for your entry (#1). I like the initial design. Can you add any color (like red/gold) so that if it were placed on either a black or white background it would show up nicely. Thanks again for your work.
Hello, thanks for all your effort. We really like the MU mark that you came up with, we like the colors also. Can you make the per cussion part of the word maybe somehow work more closely with the MU mark. That might make the whole word come together a little more. Thanks again, nice work.
Thanks for your feedback. Since i have sent the MU mark and the word per-cussion in 5 different color combination, could you please tell me more detail, by the color you like, which entry you mean here? So i can put more priority in those color combination.
Hi, a lot of nice work here, thanks. I think what I am trying to say is that the per cussion words are small in comparison to the mark. So we are thinking that somehow the scale between the mark and the word could be made closer, this might make the entire word a little more readable overall. I hope this is a clearer explanation. Thank you again.
Hi, thanks again for your updates. We like #25 scaling the best. Can you make the MU in silver and per cussion in gold? We seem to be moving in the direction of those two colors. Thanks again.