Can you make 107 3 dimensional and have the word Support the same color as Performance. It is the "Performance Support" community. We really like this and I know time is short. But we'd really like to see this with some depth to it.
Hi thanks for your feedback. I would like to submit revisions per your above feedback, but I'm not ranked Top5 so unable for me to submit entries. Maybe you can switch me to Top5.
Nice work! Can you make the purple a bit "bluer" and Yellow more "gold"? For the words: - "Performance" stays the "bluer" purple - "Support" becomes the new "gold/yellow" - "Community" change to the same Gray as the drop shadow on the logo THANKS!
Can we ask ONE more edit? Can you do #171 in the old purple so we can see the difference? We actually just wanted a darker purple:) Hope that makes sense!!
Greetings! Thanks for the changes. We are very impressed. Due to travel, we needed to extend the judging phase for 7 days. Sorry about that. We will be getting back to you around next steps shortly. THANKS for your patience...
Congratulations on winning our Logo tournament! We are VERY pleased with the new logo! Great working with you. We have a favor to ask. Would it be possible to get digital copies of the winning logo as is AND copies of JUST the log without the words? We'd like to use both...