Just a thought that may not work, but can you use the same concept with the P, but rather than the prop, use a jet? Check out http://www.pw.utc.com/Products/Commercial/PW2000. It's not a great image, but I think you'll get the idea.
Thanks. I understand your concern about the jets. I'll see what I can come up with with a turbine inside the P. I was thinking of the prop as more of an iconic aviation reference than a literal representation of your target market.
I think the first one is still better. I'm conflicted since graphically, I love the one with the prop. I'll try and give you more feedback tomorrow once I've looked at it longer and gotten feedback from colleagues.
in #28 I really like the plane, and several others agree. I think the P and F are a bit fat, so I guess I'd like to see if this can somehow be made sleeker, and still using the plane?
i think a new concept may be required. I showed the logo to several people and when small, most people weren't sure what the image was inside the P.
What I liked so much about the High End Media logo was it's simplicity. The clever use of the H and E works perfectly and the arrow makes sense with the name.
I understand the concern about the small logo size. To me, #173 comes the closest to the cleverness and simplicity of the High End logo. Any chance you would reconsider that concept with the trail of the plane cutting out the P shape?
Larger plane inside P for increased clarity at small sizes. If selected, I will improve the quality of the plane image. (This comment references Entry #398)
If you have any questions or requests during your judging phase, please feel free to ask.