Perfect Tree RealtyLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Perfect Tree Realty

Perfect Tree Realty has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 134 designs from 19 different designers from around the world.






Prefers others.


I'm planning on being very active with this contest and provide as much feedback as possible to help you create your best work. Please let me know if you have questions or need clarification. I'm going to wait until I have a few entries to make relative comments.

An overall comment is that I would like to have the tree be a key part of the logo and I would like for it to be a mature tree such as an oak. I do need it to tie to real estate such as a house or a window. I don't want to be too specific though, because I don't want to inhibit your creativity. I'm very excited about this contest and I can't wait to see what your creative minds dream up for PERFECT TREE REALTY.

Thanks in advance for all of your work on this!
15 years ago
Here's my feedback for design #1 based on the submissions that I've seen so far...

Overall...great first draft.

I really like your font choice...professional, but a little unexpected. Also great use of the interesting font in the "Perfect Tree" portion with the very clean font for the word "Realty".

You got the idea of looking through a window at a tree to combine the tree concept with real estate. A couple of thoughts...could we have a more substantial tree? Maybe if you got minimized or eliminated the blinds, you could use more of the window to show the tree. Also, it might look more like a house window if it had some panes in it...maybe four or six panes in the window.

I like the color pallette that you used.

Hopefully these comments are helpful. Let me know if you need clarification.

Thanks for your work on this project!
15 years ago
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