Pender United Methodist ChurchLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Pender United Methodist Church

Pender United Methodist Church has selected their winning logo design.

For $575 they received 99 designs from 12 different designers from around the world.
























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Prefers others.


Thanks for entering our contest! I think I like entry 5 better of the two. I'd like to see some brighter/bolder colors, though.

Thanks again!
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for feedback. Any colors you like will work, I'll try some for you.
11 years ago
Looking at your other designs on LT, I'm liking the colors in BusinessBlah or the immigration lawyer, or something called "Bridge". Something less feminine and kind of more inclusive of everyone. Part of the reason is that our 1980s-era carpets and fabrics are all something of a faded mauve/teal mix and we're desperately trying to move away from soft pastels. Thanks!
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Got it, thanks!
11 years ago
I like these colors a lot more! Thanks! Could we flop the text treatment in #8 and #9 to see how that would look? So in #8, keep the blue line, and the black text, but with an uppercase P?
11 years ago
Logo Designer
No problem, see #17
11 years ago
Good morning! Can you do me a favor? A couple of people really like the brighter/bolder colors. Could you do a variation of the first submissions with that text treatment, using the brighter color scheme? I'd like them to be able to compare. Thanks!
11 years ago
Logo Designer
You mean the type of #5 and #7? Not a problem.
11 years ago
11 years ago
Logo Designer
You may notice that my concept is being copied by another designer. I have asked them to submit their own ideas in accordance with LT rules for designer conduct. Unfortunately this happens a lot when it's clear a contest holder likes certain concepts. Please let me know if there are further revisions you want to see of rainbow fish groupings.
11 years ago
I noticed it. No worries. One additional ask, could you do us up a variation on either 17 or 34 in which the fish are a single color more like 5 or 7, but with the brighter colors? My concern is that the overlapping colored fish might be hard to replicate if you're embroidering them on to a shirt or jacket. Thanks!
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Of course, and you're right. The overlay effect is just for print or web. I'll show you what it would look like solid for those applications.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
See #65 and #66 in solid. I did it a couple of different ways. #66 might be easiest to embroider without background fish sides in center.
11 years ago
Thanks! It's interesting -- feedback wise -- people on our Church Council either REALLY LOVE these, or REALLY can't stand them. I'm in the REALLY LOVE camp. But there's an awful lot of opinions. I appreciate your flexibility!
11 years ago
Logo Designer
No problem. It's a pretty simple logo, maybe some prefer less colorful, some more, or some don't care for fish. But color or font changes are no problem. Sometimes you'll only be able to use one color. I can show you what that would look like if you want.
11 years ago
A couple of our people say they're not getting the overlapping fish and think it might not be easy to figure it out. Another person thought it looked like a logo for a fish market. Like the fish weren't alive. Can you do me a couple of other variations? Make the fish horizontal? And separate them out a little more like in the earliest versions #5 and #7? But keep the bright colors?

11 years ago
And maybe staggered? Thanks!
11 years ago
Logo Designer
You got it, glad to!
11 years ago
Logo Designer
FYI, if you like the version with and without the cross and the fish, it's no problem for me to send it to you both ways if this is your final choice.
11 years ago
Hey, people really positively responded to the horizontal fish, thanks for making them. My only concern with the ones with the cross, does it look like they're swimming away from the cross? That's probably not the message we want to send. I like the cross, but I think I'd rather skip it if it can't be re-worked somehow. How about this: use the name stacked on the right side in 4 decks, use the horizontal fish, and the cross as the divider? Or does using the cross there do the same thing I'm trying to avoid? I don't know, but I know people are much more embracing of the swimming fish. Thanks!
11 years ago
Logo Designer
I can try it that way -- let's see what works. Coming up shortly.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
I have some appointments but if you want more changes before your conrtest ends I should be back in time to do them. Have a great day!
11 years ago
I think we're good for now. Thanks for your help!
11 years ago
Let me ask one more question, how hard would it be, from our end, if we choose the fish, to change the colors of the fish? Either seasonally? Or if we wanted to go with something a shade darker? I just want to know what our options are. I assume they're just shapes and we could pick whatever colors we like whenever we want. Or is it more involved than that? I like the single-color fish for some uses and think that option could serve us well (lowered costs on embroidery, for example). Thanks for the thicker font too!
11 years ago
Logo Designer
The files you get from the contest are JPEG and EPS and the EPS file is fully editable where you can change the color to anything you want. It also can be scaled to any size with no loss of resolution for banners, etc. It also will be the file and embroidery person will want because they can manipulate it to their specs. If you have any questions later on you can call on me as well.
11 years ago
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