I sent you a private email as well. I like this simple logo #17. Artistically the different sized hearts look nice, but conceptually, maybe they should be the same size? Can you make the blue a deeper, richer blue and match the heart sizes and make the word matchmaking more bold - not sure I like the grey? Do you think I should leave off the tag line "make love happen?" I'm thinking I shouldn't in;code it in my Logo - just keep it simple. So far this is my favorite - Thanks!
I like entry #29 a lot. Not quite the right blue. Looks too dark. I'm very particular about my blues I love them! Any thoughts about the young Farmers logo or soft Landings as other options? Thanks so much!
Still like # 29 the best ! I like the ellipse - like the idea of orbiting - one blue is too dark and one is too light - can you find my perfect blue? Also, I've decided to eliminate make love happen from the logo, so please take it out. Thanks!
Also, still like #26! If you could make the two hearts different colors - or more translucent? The one in the front could be more like a scrim? So far #26 & #29 are my two favorites. But let's take the tagline off completely. Thanks!
I'll have to sleep on the red & blue (new blue) combination for the logo or all blue - Really like both - just need brighten the new blue a little, and can you please post both options? Good night and thanks!
#4 Please take out tagline. Still trying to get my effect blue - Maybe with the purple color you could try a dark fuscia instead of the red - that's a nice combination - as another option. You've got me hooked - but I do need to go to bed. Good night, again and thanks, again, Max! peggy
#40 - please leave this option but also add another option which would be half the ellipse and the heart in a dark pretty bright fuchsia pink. Thanks, Max!
# 51 with a darker, brighter blue - not quite as dark as #54. I like the Red on the left side of ellipse, heart red, then the blue side of the ellipse on the right. What I like best about his logo is that it is not static - it has a dynamic. That would be a good thought to keep in mind since matchmaking is a dynamic activity. That's why I like your Farmers Logo because there was something growing - Thanks!
Hi Max, Can you try something for me? A Blue background - the purple blue you have. Then write my name in bold white white (same font you have, except space between my first and last name, and the word matchmaking in white, same font you have used. (And maybe or maybe not add a small white heart at the top or bottom of the words) I know this is a different look, but I'm not quite sure I want the symbol or not. Thanks for your efforts!
#1, #2 and #3 in my rankings all need a little space between my first name and last name so my name doesn't look like a run-on. Thanks!
I'm choosing between more warm and personal and more business-like. #78 really works for me for the more business like logo, but can you please put the red section of the ellipse on the left, and the blue section on the right - which is the reverse of the way they are - as another option. I want to compare the contrasts.
Also, please be sure the red heart is not a muddy red, but the same bright red as the ellipse.
I'd like to see #80 in the same blue you used for #101 (need to separate first and last name too). Just trying to decide if I look a little too patriotic!?! with he red white and blue - very close to deciding! Thanks for all your efforts, Max!
My husband just came up with another option for me .... Could you use your young Farmers Logo and change the words Peggy Wolman and Matchmaking and have a red heart growing out of the leaves which could maybe be a lighter blue.
I'd love one more option before I decide on Wednesday with my web designer. You've been great - this is all new to me and a hard decision! Peggy
Can you please make the heart red. Write the word matchmaking in red too. Make the blue much brighter more like the background blue of # 101 and maybe try one more navy or royal blue.
#124 is very popular! One question: since my tagline is "make love happen" - which I think goes great with a blooming flower, could you try an option that includes the tagline - maybe the flower would need to be a bit smaller. I'd love to see an option with the tagline, if you wouldn't mind.
Congratulations! I have chosen #125 and #124 for my logo design. I'm very excited! May I please have them both so I can reverse the colors as needed on my website, business cards, etc.
I decided to leave off the tagline - I will probably put it on the back of my business card and of course it will be on my website.
Will you please send the two logos to logos@stirltech.com. Thomas Stirling is designing my website. He loves my choice too! You are talented and generous and I really appreciate your hard work!
So far on one has submitted anything creative and I was really impressed with your work and specifically your use of typography. Would you consider entering?