Hi there - I really feel like you are onto something - I don't quite see it or feel it yet; but please keep trying...I think if #61 could be more detail oriented and use the green motif - make it more specific and not as abstract and finish the rim around the heart...
I also really like #59 though feel it is a bit too angular...
Thank you for your efforts and I look forward to your next pass!
This is really coming along - it still needs more detail on the human and perhaps is now a bit too green - maybe the heart should be a different color...can you play with it a bit?
I really like this - but something just doesn't feel right and I can't put my finger on it...what are your feelings about it? Do you need more direction?
Looking at it again - the dog's body seems too cut off and I think all the hair on the woman is too much - did it feel better to have the human in front?
I think the outline on the heart is distracting...but I'm just not sure..perhaps trying a darker color dog?