PatraOneLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / PatraOne
PatraOne has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 205 designs
from 28 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
Technology Enabled Solutions to the Insurance Industry
What We Do
Patra is a leading provider of technology-enabled solutions to the insurance industry. Patra’s team of global experts allow brokers, MGAs, wholesalers and carriers to capture the Patra Advantage – profitable growth and organizational value. Patra powers insurance processes by optimizing the application of people and technology; supporting insurance organizations as they sell, deliver and manage policies and customers
Color Preferences
Grey, Red and Blue
Our Ideas & Additional Information
The idea of this logo is that it represents a concept. It is not a solution you buy or software but it represents a technology framework, its what Patra (the company) is built on. It represents all we do, how we work and all the technology integrations we have. We want to convey Security, Hybrid Cloud, Technical expertise and robustness. If you think to about the Salesforce "Cloud" logo, that cloud represents the concept of SaaS or CLoud based but the Cloud doesn't say what it does, it is an image that conveys the value.