#27 doesnt work - by the way you have not followed the notes to designers issued !
#28 doesnt follow design notes HOWEVER it is quite interesting 'technology' however needs to be dropped - there is nothing related to technology in the design brief you could replace 'technology' by 'certification' which would be the key word.
#28 could you try one more variation, with a bit more white gap between the grey tail of the patch and the start of the word certification, maybe starting where the letter 'e' currently is in the word 'certification' - thanks
As I said - you have broken all the design rules I set out, but this really works !
A question - one requirement is that the logo could be transposed onto a black background for web site only. I am not asking to produce a black variant at this time, but would this logo work on black background with change in colours or would some adjustment be needed? A simple yes/no at this stage would be sufficient.
Of course it's work on dark/black background. I just change the word 'certification' color with white. Red is absolutely work on white and black background So I don't need to change the color.
Refer back to my comment above on #28 In the new variant #29 I think you have attempted to compensate my comment by extending the word certification rather than shortening it. In the transition I feel we have lost something because we have lost some of the grey on the path (is it a path or a road or whateber) which made the logo rather striking and noteworthy. Guess we will need a few turnarounds to get right
#28, #29 At the moment I prefer the tail of the path extending down to the level of the bottom of the 'p' as it gives a more striking effect Its probably better though to hide it behind the 'a' and see the full red colour of the letter 'a'
Thanks for showing the black (all black on white background) , on black background, and all white on black background - I can see that a final design would work with these varaiations - thanks again for that
hhmmm... Interesting :) That's what I like from you. Give me max input to get closer the logo that you want. when I revise #28 to #29, I'm feel lost something too. So that it is. I lost my "path" concept. I'll hard work for taking back my concept while combine your feedback
If you can still work with the previous comment i made duplicated below. We need to get #29 back into the #28 design. Just needs a few slight changes. You need to work at that -------------- #28, #29 At the moment I prefer the tail of the path extending down to the level of the bottom of the 'p' as it gives a more striking effect Its probably better though to hide it behind the 'a' and see the full red colour of the letter 'a'
Thanks for showing the black (all black on white background) , on black background, and all white on black background - I can see that a final design would work with these varaiations - thanks again for that ------------------
#81 and #83 are not going to work with large logo above text. There is simply no room on certificates and would detract attention away from the main certificate text - so these are 'no go'
#82 doesnt work graphic too wide and generally arrows pointing backward send a wrong signal. Certification is related to improvement and this could be seen as negative.
The original set of logo actually look great on printed certificate . You just need to tidy it up a little with some revision. Keep with the original concept - its good.