Hi Steve example #2! Thank you so much for your submission! My husband really likes this design because it says Patchwork to him. I think it has a fun feel to it; however, if the name wasn't there, I wouldn't know it's a catering company. I can look at the sewn together patches and perhaps see those as swaths of land, with each one being a season perhaps, or to take it another direction, to somehow incorporate "green" elements without using the obvious recycling symbol (we have one catering company locally that uses a knife, spoon and fork in the classic recycling symbol layout). I see looking harder how you have four different colors of green, no doubt each one representing a different season, if we can just get the sense that it's for a catering company, I think we may be onto something.
I like #8 more, I would go with a different green, something darker and/or more vibrant. You definitely are onto the food thing and I like how the plate could be a fruit, vegetable, tomato, terraced land, it's up to your imagination. I think it may embroider easily onto a hat or a chef jacket. I might also tone down the zigzags a bit, for some reason makes me feel a little frantic, which I already feel everyday so maybe it is appropriate. :)