Took a look at your design and I love where you're going with it! Some quick feedback: love the globe design, like the lettering of "Passport Career" but wonder if it's possible to vary the font on "Career" to emphasize it a bit more. Also, can you change the green color letters to the burnt orange? I really like, though, that you're incorporating other colors as we'd love to see some designs with green and even purple incorporated into the design (maybe add all 4 colors to the bubble images on the globe?). Also, the tag line may need to be a bit larger and should say "Make your career move"...I think yours says "Make your global career"...hopefully an easy change! Please submit again as I really like your style!!! I'll rank all again tomorrow.
Thanks so much for making some alterations to your #18 design. I have a few more thoughts as I'd really like to see where your idea on #57 can go (it's been the most popular with my staff as well!). Here are my thoughts for #57:
FONT/TYPE SIZE: Can you find an alternative font for "Career"...maybe something that conveys motion (or a cool font in italics for "career" only. Could you also make the word "Passport" much smaller than "Career" so the word "career" is emphasized more. I'd also like to see a variation on the tagline...maybe spread across the bottom as well as the way you have it...I like your idea, but the words don't seem to line up so well.
GLOBE DESIGN: I'd love to see some variations on the way you color the dots on the globe...maybe 4 of each color? Or maybe a blue globe with 3 streams of the other 3 colors?
DEPTH: Is there anyway to make the image pop out a bit more? Maybe a slight reflection of the letters and globe below the logo? Any other ideas you might have to pop it out a bit more are welcome!
COLOR: Not sure if the gray colored globe and tagline work...your thoughts on this? I see it's for de-emphasis, but wondering if it flattens out the image too much. Overall, for the colors, we would like to see the main blue/orange in the lettering (the word "career" comes across as red on my screen) and then the purple and green incorporated into the design as well. I like the blue you chose as we're looking for a unique blue that makes one think of clear, calm ocean (to reduce stress among clients while still using a blue that resonates with corporate people). I'd love to see some different oranges, if that is possible...colors that may help describe what we are looking for are: spicy orange, rusty orange, coral orange, basketball orange, caramel orange, terra cotta orange, cinnamon or ginger orange (these may be too brown, but maybe not). Hope this sparks some ideas.
I hope you will submit some more variations of #57 as I really like your work and would love to see some more of your designs incorporating some of this feedback. Very much looking forward to seeing your next set of designs!!!
Let me know if you have any questions. Many thanks for your time!
definitely will take care of that for you, Susan, and thank you for your great feedback! I will work on these tonight and in the morning and we will keep narrowing down until we have just what you want. Thank you!
Many thanks for your alterations...I really love your design and think that your design may work well!! I have a few thoughts, if you are willing to tweak #79 a bit. I think it could really be the perfect logo!! Here are my thoughts (and am certainly open to your additional thoughts and ideas):
FONT: Would really like to see more of a stamp-type font for "PASSPORT" and then a different type of font for "Career" -- I like the motion, but it appears a bit too flowery and instead we want to convey power and movement maybe another font?
TAGLINE: It's a bit difficult to read the tagline "Make your career move." I wonder if it needs to be in blue or a darker grey?
GLOBE DESIGN: I'd still like to see some variations on the way you color the dots on the globe...or maybe try 4 rows of dot of each color? Or maybe a faded blue globe with 3 streams of the other 3 colors? Or a different pattern of the coloring of the dots, such as 2 rows in purple, then 2 in green, etc
DEPTH: Would still like to see a slight reflection of the letters and globe below the logo so it looks like a bit of a mirrored image...or some other way to give the logo more dimension and make it pop out.
Many thanks!! Really looking forward to your next version(s)...truly appreciate your time and creativity!!
Thanks for feedback, I'll get it done for you. I tried four rows of dots but thought it started to get really busy looking. I will submit one that way so you can see it. You might like it better than I do. Font changes no problem.
Some of my team really liked your other submissions--particularly #56 -- any chance you can re-post it so they can compare that with some of your revised versions? It may help spark more feedback from them. Really like this concept.
I can understand that four rows of dots may be too busy...I'm trying to think of an alternative, but the only thing I can think of is a graduation of the four colors as described in my previous message...would you be willing to try that as well?
Wow! Great new ideas!! I can't decide between the style you're going with on #79 or the style on #96. I love the idea of "PASSPORT" looking like an actual stamp in a passport! Let's play around a bit with #96, if you wouldn't mind.
-- Would you mind making the orange in #96 in "CAREER" more like the orange you used in #92. -- Would you please make the tagline underneath larger as it's hard to read so small. Maybe stretch it out from the first to the last letter in "CAREER." -- I wonder (not sure) if you made the word "CAREER" (in all caps) to be "Career" (first letter only in caps), if that would give you more room to slant the "PASSPORT" stamp above it. Would you mind playing around with it to see what happens? Could be really cool! -- Is it possible to take the edges of the "PASSPORT" block and make them look "rougher" or more like a stamp...where the ink isn't perfect? Again, not sure if this will work, but I like the idea of a rugged "passport" and sleek, new, shiny "career" .... sends a great message! --You were RIGHT! The four streams of dots are too much...too crowded. -- Is it possible to see the earth and tagline in a blue that would go with the blue in "PASSPORT"? I like the grey, but would like to see the other option to compare the two to see which pops out more.
Would ALSO, love to see a variation of #79...using different fonts for both words. Also, would like to see the tagline larger so it's easier to read.
Thanks so much for your work!! I can almost picture your design on our website!! Looking forward to seeing the updates. Drop me a message if you have any questions!!
LOVE what you're doing with the design in #128! (you are right that the blue globe is too much). Several of us got together to discuss #128 and the possibilities and we'd like to ask you to do a few tweaks and submit a few more versions of this...hope you're up for it!
HERE IS WHAT WORKS on #128 (no changes needed): --Globe coloring and 4-color dots are perfect...keep design, but see requested change below... --Orange used in "Career" seems to come across nicely as a rusty/burnt orange...I think we can go with it! --Really like the "Passport" font and stamp idea...keep font and the stamp concept, but please see changes below...
HERE ARE 5 CHANGES THAT WE'D LIKE TO SEE on #128 (please make changes...we'd like to see several versions, if possible):
1. GLOBE: Can you make the globe showing the other side of the globe...particularly with Europe and Africa? We'd really like to see this...maybe eventually have both available.
2. FONT for CAREER: Would like you to play with a few different fonts and maybe offer a few options/versions for the word "Career"...the one in #128 is a bit too robotic and the one in #79 (script font) is great, but a bit too feminine and difficult to read quickly...can you find a middle-ground font for "Career"? Maybe offer a several different options with some of these changes, please.
3. PASSPORT SIZE: We want "Career" to dominate so the emphasis is not on "Passport", so is it possible to make the "Passport" letters a bit smaller like in #97...maybe even a bit smaller? Maybe see a few versions of the change in size and how it "sits" on top of "career" and tilts a bit.
4. PASSPORT COLOR & OUTLINE: Would like you to reverse the coloring on "Passport" so the outline and lettering are blue...but we really like the rugged look you gave to the letters, so would like to see that...but Also, would like to see that same approach given to the blue outline around the it's a bit more of a residual outline and looks like a stamp.
5. TAGLINE: font and size look great, but overall, still needs to be darker...hard to read on the screen. Can you darken the words a bit more so it's the same shade of grey that the darkest grey is on the globe? Maybe see a few versions of this?
On a final note...we are THRILLED with your work and really excited to see what happens after these changes!! Feel free to reach out to me with any questions or clarification.
Love the new designs...will re-rank to add new ones to the top. There are some tweaks, but that can be done after rather than having you madly rush at the last minute...unless you prefer to do so, and if so, just zip me a direct message. Overall, we're THRILLED with your designs! Please keep all of them up so the rest of the team can look at the slight alterations to determine what final changes they may want.
Hang in final decision made yet and it's a struggle getting our team to agree...really like what you did with the latest submissions!! We switched the ranking based on some initial feedback, but haven't heard from our entire team (more than half haven't replied) and I have final decision. Just wanted you to hang in there!!
I just learned that I can re-rank logos during the judging phase...didn't know that before. So I just re-ranked them based on our team decisions and I'd like to select the winner, but I wonder if you could tweak the design (#128) a bit so I can "sell" this design to a few on the team. Here are 4 changes we'd like to see, if that is possible (a few are similar to previous messages sent during the contest):
1. ADD ".com" : We'd like to see what the logo looks like with ".com" in it...not sure if this involves more than "tweaking" so if it's too much to ask as it may change the balance with everything and involve a completely new design, just let me know.
2. FONT/SIZE/STYLE for words: a. We still need a more striking, strong, italic font for the word "CAREER"...can you offer a few alternatives? b. We want "CAREER" to be larger than "PASSPORT" so it's clear that it's a career site (kind of like what you did with #174) c. We'd like to see "CAREER" in CAPS and in ALL lowercase "career" c. Can you make the blue "PASSPORT" stamp/letters smaller...maybe spread out the letters a bit so it still stretches across the larger sized "career"
3. TAGLINE: Needs to be dark like #160.
4. GLOBE: I love the entire globe concept and colors! However, our marketing person says that it needs to be better integrated with the name/words. I have NO idea how to do this or what that would look you have any ideas? Your blue globe with the image of the person as a continent in #97 is an awesome concept, but I also like the footprint bubbles with the faded, partial globe ... I am only sharing this feedback to give you some ideas that may spark more ideas on what can be done to tie in the globe with the words a bit more while having a unique and striking design. Please let me know if you have any questions about this, but thought I'd leave it to your creative ideas.
THANK YOU, FlatWorld, for your amazing work. I don't know when you'll have time to work on some of these changes, but if you can let me know approximately, then our team can plan to select the winning logo and move forward!
Many, many thanks, Susan
Lastly, your design has certainly sparked lots of great discussion and your work is much admired by our team!
Thank you, Susan! I just got your message and will spend some time working on these tonight and early tomorrow. I will submit some new things based on your feedback and not keep you waiting long, I know you want to get this taken care of so will not linger!
Great!!! So glad to hear that! I was playing with some fonts for "career" and found some that might work (they seem to work better if all of "career" is in lowercase. Here are the font names...I leave it to your best judgment as to which one(s) or something better/similar that might work best (and after looking at them in italics, it might be too much activity, so no italics is fine): a. Arial Rounded MT Bold b. Hobo STD c. Ryo Gothic Plus N B d. Tekton Pro e. you choose anything else, but you probably get the idea of type of font we would like to see.
Then, I did some rough sketches to see how it would look with ".com" at the end of "career" but in a smaller size, and it definitely lengthens it a bit, so I was sketching more and placed the globe above the ".com" (as "passport" couldn't extend that long across) and it looked like the bubbles on the globe are growing out of the last "r" in "career"...kinda cool. I don't know what you think of this idea of integrating the logo, or if you think that's corny. I'm not a design expert, but wanted to share this idea with you if you want to play around with it. I could send you the sketches (in powerpoint) if you want to see I allowed to do that? Can I send them to your personal email now that the contest is over since I can't upload to this site? If so, let me know and send me your email address and I'll zip them to you (they're quite amateurish...just sketches to try to finalize some ideas that bounced around our team so I could give you clearer feedback).
I will look for these fonts and thank you for the example. I don't think by LT rules we are allowed to communicate until the winner is declared. I am willing to make some design changes if we need to after the contest is final. I think it is OK to do that after the contest is totally over if we need to. But we should get the design as complete as possible before that. We have some time to do that before you declare me the winner to make sure we are pretty much done with it. I will do as much as we can do before that so you are certain to get what you want for a final product and thank you again!
1. Could you take #205 and move the globe and bubbles up so it looks like the bubbles are starting to come out of the tip of the "r" in "career"?
2. Could you take #205 and replace the bubble globe with the globe in #92, but change the blue on the globe to a faded, grey ... maybe a partial globe like the one in #205, but with the people as the continents?
Thanks so much! I think we're getting to a very good place!!
Thank you for working on some changes. It helped us to visualize what would work. I think we're down to the last requests for tweaking the design so we can declare the winner today, if possible. Would you be able to do the following to #128 (we decided against including the .com in the final logo, but will add it later where needed).
1. FONT, SIZE, STYLE: a. We think that the only lettering that needs to be changed still is for the word "career." We decided on a lowercase, italicized, non-cursive font--preferably something close to Bodoni MT. I found some examples at . We couldn't find Bodoni MT on this site, but it's a lot like Bodoni Bold Italics font that has the "a" being a full circle "a" (the third font down)...or something close to that. b. We would like "career" to be all in lowercase beneath the word "PASSPORT" c. We would like the "PASSPORT" stamp to be about half to 2/3 the height of the word "career" (a bit like the sizing in #173) but stretched across the top of all the letters in "career" so it goes end to end (maybe kern the letters in "PASSPORT" to spread it out as needed) d. The tagline still needs to be much darker so it can be read from a distance. (and we'll let you decide what font and whether to use all caps or not makes the most sense to use in the tagline so the whole design is balanced)
GLOBE a. We decided to go with the globe with the bubbles, and would like to see a version with it on the right and another version with it on the left. b. We think that the positioning of the globe needs to be like you had it in #128 as the versions that tried to integrate it more just don't seem to work and throw off the balance.
I think that is it!!! We are thrilled about this and thank you very much for making these final changes!!
thank you susan, here is #212 and #213. We can still work on kerning if you need. I wanted to show you how the tag would look in Bodoni to match career, and did one where I used the same lettering so you can compare. Any more tweaks just ask and thanks!
We're ready to go with #214, but would like to ask for one more change. Would you mind taking the "PASSPORT" stamp from #211 and try it out on #214? We'd like to see if the logo will work with the letters smaller (and less spread out). We'd also like to see if the logo looks balanced, since it won't go across all the letters in "career." We'd also like you to make sure it looks balanced (or let us know your thoughts on how to make it look balanced) if we go with this approach. If you could post it asap, we'll make a quick decision and make the call so we can move ahead! Many, many thanks!!!
You're right...thank you for your input...#217 looks more balanced than #216, but for some reason, I don't like the capital "C", one LAST tweak request, FlatWorld (and thank you for your patience!)...
Could you make the passport stamp in #216 stretch out to the second "e" in "career" like it does in #211? I'll leave it up to you to determine if the stamp should be larger or if if it should be the same height with the letters spread out more...which one do you think looks better?