#41 Thanks for your work so far, we like it very much but now will make more personal design changes to increase chances of getting to where we want the image to be. This we will do to all the ranked designs. We have slightly extended the contest due to weekend coming up.
Options to possibly better this excellent image are: maybe change the colour of one of the trees, to a mid brown or darker green?? Maybe move the bird and the log it is perched upon over to the right slightly, this might balance the image more perfectly. We were also thinking if a Bettong might be included or even replace the bird on the log. Finally for now, what bird did you use on the log? If it was a Brown Treecreeper that is good if you can find a brown treecreeper in our websites indicated in the brief see if it works. Lots of work but once again thankyou....... Peter
#50 Great work! My colleagues asked for the Bettong to be included and I am not sure if it works for me personally, I will await their comments to me and get back to you soon on that one. The Treecreeper is fantastic. Can you try gradually fading out the half circle on the right hand side of the design so it looks like the Treecreeper could fly off out of the image, just a though form one of my colleagues that the semi circle sort of makes the image closed in and a bit like a 'snow dome' (you know those tourist souvenirs that are waterfilled plastic 'domes' with snow like flakes and an image inside). This design could easily move up to Raniking 1 when we do the rankings on Monday morning Aus. time. good luck with this design, peter
#60 (;) Looking very good both this one and #59. A couple of things, can you thin off the stick that the Treecreeper is sitting on and make the colour of the words (restoring etc) in #60 the same as the green in #59. Can you make the grasses a little less full or thick, we would like to see them thinner like a tussock grass which is fuller and thicker at the base thinning out so you can see light through the grasses towards the top of the grass stems. Just type ‘tussock grass’ into Google images and have a look what you can find.
#63 This is very good, thankyou. We like the tussocks that come thicker from the base and we do not like the tussocks that are more like a ‘spikey’ ball with the bottom sort of cut off as in #64. The Bettong is good but can we get his feet and tail back in silhouette in amongst the thick grass at his feet. The Bettong size is good as they are about the size of some tussock grasses. One probably last thing to try is maybe make the smaller tree faded by say 5%, just try taking a little bit of the colour out of it as it seems to be in the background and could be lighter – just a very small amount. We are just about there with your design, it is excellent.
Really appreciate your comments and suggestions and for ranking some of my entries - it really inspires!:-)Here's the update ----- entry #68 and entry #69.