Parents Against CultsLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Parents Against Cults

Parents Against Cults has selected their winning logo design.

For $500 they received 166 designs from 12 different designers from around the world.




















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Logo Designer
Hi Ch...

another proposal from me for you contest #94 #95
i am using "love/heart" as concept for rescue the kids from cult.
please let me know if u want something changing about my design.

best regards.
11 years ago
Wow Brian, I am impressed. #97 is so striking and I love all the work and thought you put into it. I am running this competition for my boss, but this one certainly has my vote to win. He really likes it too, but wants to see a few changes before making the final decision.

Can you try these modifications, and submit each one separately?:

1) Change the name to Families Against Cults - leave Rescue Our Kids at the bottom
2) Change the name to Families Against Cult Teachings - leave Rescue Our Kids
3) Change the name to Families Against Cult Teachings - remove Rescue Our Kids, and add "F.A.C.TS" (without quotes)
4) Change the name to Families Against Cult Teachings - remove Rescue Our Kids, and add "Get the F.A.C.TS"

MUCH THANKS FOR YOUR WORK, and pretty sure the competition is yours!! If it was up to me, it would be!
11 years ago
Logo Designer
hi Lieiti..

thank you so much for your feedback.
i am really glad you and your boss like my work.
new updates from your feedback for my design #100 #101 #102 #103 #104
hope u like it too. and i am adding some variation color and shine element in the parents/families side.
please do not hesitate for leave some feedback if u want something changing about my design.

best regards.
11 years ago
Hi, nice new updates, but doesn't really fit our website color scheme. Can you look at the website here and maybe try to fit it accordingly? I can change the font colors if need be to match your logo if you think it looks better.

For #102, can you make it just "F.A.C.T." without the "S"? And can you submit another version of #102 but with the white rays behind the parent like in #104?

Btw, we like the all red on top background matching the heart, so you don't notice the heart immediately.

Also, can you try and add another parent behind the parent holding up the child? Something subtle would be nice. Or maybe two people looking over the shoulder of the main parent? Trying to see how it would look as a family, as opposed to just one parent.

lastly, can you change the shape of the parent so it's not so bulky or round? would like to see other options for the shape of the parent.

much thanks for your hard work. - Roy

Btw, are we allowed to hire you independently of this competition for other work?
11 years ago
Logo Designer
hi Mr. roy..

thank you so much for your feedback.
i working all the revision right now.
please wait for a moment.
i will upload all the revision from your feedback.

absolutely yes, you can hire me for your another project after this contest is complete.
and i am really happy could have a chance for work with you.

best regards.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Mr. roy

new updates from my design has been uploaded. #118 #119 #120 #121 #122
adding some variation color and try new shape of the parent.
and i am adding my design with mother and sister like do you want it.
please let me know if u want something changing about my design.

best regards.
11 years ago
Nice logo, especially the top half! I like the bottom too, but there are too many cult figures, and I'd like them to be gray in the face, not red.

Also, can you try this? Put back the heart in #120 like with #119? And also, just keep the same bottom half like with #119. Basically, just combine the top of #120 with the bottom of #119, and keep the heart in the center. Hopefully that will be a winner. Also, please send this version of the logo with "Get the F.A.C.TS" or "Get the F.A.C.Ts" at the bottom. Not sure if upper case 's' or lowercase 's' is better there.

11 years ago
Also, please try to make the heart without making the parent's arms too big, bulky, or too curved. Subtle would be better, making the viewer have to look at the logo for a little bit before actually seeing the heart.

Sorry for making it difficult for you, but we are so close to something great!!

Thanks again.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Mr. Roy

sorry for late replying ur feedback.
new updates for combining the top of #120 with the bottom #119, and adding heart shape in the middle of the parents #126 #127 #128 #129
please let me know if u wanted something changing about my design.

best regards.
11 years ago
Nice, #128 is almost there. Let's get rid of the white stripes on the red background, and perfectly match the color with the heart. Also, maybe try the heart with no shading, just keep it the same as the red background.
I don't really want the 'heart' to be noticeable unless you really look at the logo, then you see it.

Also, can you make the heart shape less noticeable by maybe making it smaller or less rounded or bubbly looking?

Thanks, and awesome work. - Roy

Also, please send me your direct contact info for future work.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Mr. Roy

new updates from your revision has been uploaded.
make the heart less noticeable and make the heart color look likes the background.
btw, i am really sorry before, my english language not really well.
i am little bit confuse when u said about rid the white stripe. so i rid the white strap on the side of the parrent #134 and #135
and the other is changing the color of the horizontal white line in the middle of the circle to be color look like heart #137 and #138
hope u could understand with my english language sir.
and please let me know if u want something changing about my design.
btw, u can reach me through this email
thank you so much.

best regards.
11 years ago
Oh I'm sorry, I meant to say please remove the stripes behind the parents. No worries, and your English seems pretty good to me!

Now for the new logos, for example #135, I do not like the new heart shape, but I do like the size of the heart. So let's keep the original heart shape of #128, but just make it smaller like in #135. So again, the heart shape of #128 with the heart size of #135.

Also, no stripes behind the parents, and please match the background red color to the heart color so they blend together perfectly.

Also, please go back to the 'white' horizontal line on the side of the parent. I like white better than red for this line.

Also, #103, I like this slogan size and I like the font. Can we make it red though?

Thanks. Btw, I have recorded your contact email for future work.

11 years ago
Logo Designer
hi Mr. Roy

thank you so much for your feedback, and i am really glad you understand about my english.
btw, are u mean stripe behind the parent is about the shine effect?...
please wait for a moment sir, i will make it the revision right now.

best regards.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Mr. Roy

new updates has been uploaded. #139 #140 #141
i re-size the heart smaller. and rid the stripe line like shine effect.
and adding some additional design with flat color.
hope u like it.
please let me know if u want something changing about my design.

best regards.
11 years ago
Thanks for the super fast work! Funny, I still like #128 the best, but there is still something we don't like.

Can we try for #128, just removing the shadowing inside the heart? Or reducing it?

Also, maybe shrinking the heart just a little? Not much, but a little bit. #139, the heart is too small and is touching the kid's head.

Also, can we try dropping all the cult figures down a bit since their heads are almost touching the white line? Not much, just a bit.

Thanks for the tremendous work so far!

11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Mr. Roy

new updates has been uploaded #142 #143
shrinking the heart just little bit and dropping the cult figure.
btw, i am really sorry about my last wrong work sir, hope my new updates could fixed the revision from your last feedback.
thank you very much for your patience sir.

best regards.
11 years ago
hey Brian, sorry for the belated reply, been busy. #128 is still our favorite. Can you try less shading inside the heart on the right side, to make them symmetrical? (look the same)

Also, can you make the slogan font at the bottom the same size as the name on the top?

11 years ago
Logo Designer
hi Mr. Roy

it's glad received feedback from you.
new updates on #154 #155 #156
make the shading of the heart symmetrical. and make the color little bit lighter.
and i am adding some variation text for the slogan same size with the name on the top.
just hit me up if u have some revision for me sir.

best regards.
11 years ago
Nice! # 154 - can we drop down the cult figures a bit like you did before? They are touching the line again.

Also, can we try something new? The white line that separates the two sides - can you make it look more like a 'life line' or 'heart beat'? Not too much, just something to give the impression of a heart beat?

poor example:

Maybe not so big as this one or with so much space, but something like this just to give the impression of a heart beat without being too much.

11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Mr. Roy

new updates on #157 #158 #159
change the line using heart beat line, and dropping the cult figure little bit.
and i am uploaded variation of the heart beat line.
please let me know if u want something changing, and hope u like it.

best regards.
11 years ago
Hi Brian, sorry for the delay in getting back to you. just so busy. thanks for trying the suggested changes.

My boss still likes #128 best, but needs these changes.

Definite changes:

1) change F.A.C.Ts to F.A.C.T.S and reduce the font size just a little bit
2) drop the cult figures down a bit like before
3) Reduce the heart shading, on the right side, just a little bit

To Try:
4) Can you add a little darkness (blackness) under the child at the bottom, like the child is being sucked into the dark cult?

Thanks man. -Roy

11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Mr. Roy

new updates on #162 #163
how do you think?... hope u and ur boss like it.
reduce the font size little bit, drop the cult figure and reduce the shading of the heart.
btw, on you point 4, i make with my on way. please let me know if u like it or not.
i will really happy if i can make some revision for you.

best regards.
11 years ago
New logos look awesome!!! Well done man.

Interesting choice on point #4, like it's a funnel.

Can you try two more things below the line?

1) try blending the funnel edges a bit, and make it darker at the very bottom, under the child. like it gets darker in the funnel the deeper we go.

2) maybe instead of the funnel, a gradient from top to bottom for the entire bottom part? Like we start near the white line- of the parents- and it is lighter gray, and as we get closer to the bottom is gets darker and darker into the blackness?


btw, can you make a transparent .png of this? Would like to see how it would look. thanks again.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
hi Mr. roy,

sorry for late replying, i was back from buying some breakfast.
okay, please wait for a moment. i will make your revision.
btw, what the meaning of "blending the funnel edges a bit?..
are u mean make the funnel tapper on the bottom?..
sorry sir, my english language not really well.

yes, i can make PNG transparent sir.

best regards.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
hi Mr. Roy

please check out for #164.
are i am on the right track from you feedback?..
please leave some feedback if i am wrong make some revision.

best regards.
11 years ago
Hi, I mean make the sides if the funnel a little more blended in, more subtle.
11 years ago
yes, on the right track. maybe make the funnel wider, not so close to the kid?

11 years ago
Logo Designer
ahhh i see...
okay, please wait for a moment Mr. Roy..
11 years ago
Logo Designer
hi Mr. roy

Please check out for new updates on #165 #166 sir.
hope you like it.

best regards.
11 years ago
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