PARBLEU!Logo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / PARBLEU!
PARBLEU! has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 982 designs
from 95 different designers from around the world.
We are sorry, but the time to edit this annotation has expired.
Logo Design Brief
What We Do
Parbleu! Is a mobile app about sport in France which is dedicated to the fans who want to support their team. Very important detail: the aim of the application is to broadcast sounds via smartphone in stadiums during sporting events. The brand name is written with a free font (Montserrat). We are looking for a very simple and powerful ICON logo that would fit with this name and font.
Color Preferences
One tone logo. Blue #001D6E
Our Ideas & Additional Information
July 11 UPDATE !
It seems important to give you guys a hint about 3 details:
1 / it’s better if the logo+icon can work on white AND blue #001D6E backgrounds
2 / The lower scale text seems to be better for the reading. So please focus on “Parbleu!” Instead of “PARBLEU!”
3 / We want a discreet but real effect on the text with a touch of Spherization => see new image posted in the briefing as an inspiration Parbleu Spherization example.jpg (the effect is deliberately exaggerated but the idea is here => showing some movement, emotion…)
Thx and good luck for the competition’s last day !
The Parbleu! Team
July 10 UPDATE !
Hello finalists, we would like to try light text effects on the brand name PARBLEU! … Netflix, spherization, etc…. ALSO, we want to explore “Parbleu!” and “PARBLEU!” => upper & lower cases…. => image as inspiration posted (update) in the briefing ! Good luck !
Hello finalists ! Congratulations ! We would like for those 3 days to give you new details about where we would like you to go with your creations => please explore more varieties of blue and other colors + please explore the pixelated logos style + please explore 3D effects… feel free to propose and we will communicate with you, good luck, the Parbleu! Team
=> in attachment (Contest-phase-2.jpg), as inspiration, please take a look at models that we like that everyone can see on Google, Shutterstock, etc…
It seems important to give you guys a hint about 3 details:
1 / it’s better if the logo+icon can work on white AND blue #001D6E backgrounds
2 / The lower scale text seems to be better for the reading. So please focus on “Parbleu!” Instead of “PARBLEU!”
3 / We want a discreet but real effect on the text with a touch of Spherization => see new image posted in the briefing as an inspiration Parbleu Spherization example.jpg (the effect is deliberately exaggerated but the idea is here => showing some movement, emotion…)
Thx and good luck for the competition’s last day !
The Parbleu! Team
July 10 UPDATE !
Hello finalists, we would like to try light text effects on the brand name PARBLEU! … Netflix, spherization, etc…. ALSO, we want to explore “Parbleu!” and “PARBLEU!” => upper & lower cases…. => image as inspiration posted (update) in the briefing ! Good luck !
Hello finalists ! Congratulations ! We would like for those 3 days to give you new details about where we would like you to go with your creations => please explore more varieties of blue and other colors + please explore the pixelated logos style + please explore 3D effects… feel free to propose and we will communicate with you, good luck, the Parbleu! Team
=> in attachment (Contest-phase-2.jpg), as inspiration, please take a look at models that we like that everyone can see on Google, Shutterstock, etc…