Pappy's Poker RoomLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Pappy's Poker Room

Pappy's Poker Room has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 62 designs from 7 different designers from around the world.
























































I love the design. I would like to know if I can get some different options of chip color and the font within the chip. Also, should this design be chosen, would it be possible to get it without the background also (for shirts and such). Once again...fantastic design.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Not a problem for some color font/options.

I'll also be sure you have everything you need :)

Bill (winger)

11 years ago
Logo Designer
Also I included two new layouts ... I wanted the name"Pappy" to be a little bigger and I thought
the cards were better under the chips on top of the table.

I've shown it with and without the background.

11 years ago
Hi Bill,

Thanks for the revisions. Just a couple of things (I hate to be a pest).

#1.) I'm torn between the 1st and 2nd designs (submissions #22 & #28). Both are in the running and I keep going between the two. Tough decision. If any further revisions could be done to both it would be most appreciated.

#2.) I like the new font more than the prior font although I am not sure it's the one. My goal here is to attempt to bridge retro and modern (no small feat). Could I get one more font option?

#3.) Thanks for the different colors on the chips. However, the color options given (orange and purple) don't really do it for me. Could I perhaps get another idea of chip color? Worst comes worst I will stick with the teal.

#4.) Last thing I just noticed. I you look at #1 (submission #22), the color of the chips on the right side flow into the lower border below (the line that goes below the "Room"). However, when that line flows to the left side it doesn't match up with the color of the left side chip and creates a tangent. Is there any way we can make it so that the lower line flows from the color of both chips? Does that make sense?

Thanks in advance!
11 years ago
Last thing Bill. Could I see an option of "Pappy's" centered (like 2nd - submission 28) with 2 aces up top on one side and 2 aces up top on the other?


11 years ago
Logo Designer
No problem, see #40, #42 and #43.

I looked at some retro signs and found a nice condensed "square" serif font that
was used in old-time signage for saloons, amusements, gambling halls, etc.

hope you like.

11 years ago
Hey Bill,

Once your design and thanks for the revisions. I was looking at the designs last night and decided to sleep on it and I feel that with a couple of changes we will be good to go. I feel like each version has elements I like and if we compile them into one it would be perfect. I'm still torn over whether to have the cards on the top or the bottom so can I see the revisions reflected on both types of designs? Also, as the logo designer, do you have any input that could help in this decision? Here are the revisions:

#1.) Entry #22: I like the color of the bottom line (and large lines of the chips). It is slightly darker than the other versions and feel like it might be a bit better.

#2.) Entry #28: The green behind the "Room" is darker here and reminds me more of the green felt on poker tables. If we could use that green instead of the brighter green I think it would work a bit better.

#3.) Entry #42: I think that splitting the cards was a bad idea on my part (sorry about that). We should go back to all 4 aces being together. Also, I like the orange in this entry as I feel it makes the poker chips the easiest to read. I think the orange is a bit bright and distracting so if we could tone it down a bit or choose something "similar but different" (sorry I don't know how else to phrase it).

#4.) All entries. I think that the red in the red aces is a bit too bright. If we could tone it down I think it would fall in line more with the other colors in the logo.

#5.) Could I see an option where the drop shadow in the word "Room" is a warmer color?

#6.) Because of the applications that will be using the logo I will need it with both "Pappy's" in black and white. Is this possible?

Thanks Bill!
11 years ago
Logo Designer
No problem, my pleasure.
I will get to all your changes tomorrow!!

All good changes worth exploring!

11 years ago
Logo Designer
Okay, So here is what I've done that I hope will help.

Reference #44 and #45 for cards on top, and #48 and #49 for cards on bottom.

On both designs I've used a very pale yellow in the fonts that were white, only because it helps
give that faded retro look and lets the white in the playing cards pop.

I've darkened the red in the diamonds and harts on all the playing cards.

On the "centered" version I've used the the darkened gold/yellow color for the
small section on the chips, but kept the longer section on the chips the same teal color because it
worked nicely blending with the table edge. I think this give you two good choices for chips.
(I personally think the blue/teal chips are perfect and doubt we'll find a better option :)

I have shown both designs on a white background and the Burgundy background.

Let me know your thoughts,
Bill (winger)

11 years ago
Logo Designer
One last thing ... here is #50 and #51 with the cards on bottom with the nice blue/teal poker chips.

Out of everything #50 is my favorite!!
11 years ago
Hey Bill,

Excellent work. Couple of things:

Can we bring the red in the cards down a little more? Also, can I see a version where the outline of all 4 cards is black, but the faces are black/red?

Can I see a warmer drop shadow on the word "Room"?

I am beginning to agree with you about the chip colors. Blue and teal just seem to pop. Can I just see one last version with two colors that I think work well on a chip (they might not on the logo though). The RGB colors are #405253 for the large sections of the chip, and #D1CFB3 for the small. Like I said...I like those colors but not sure if they will work on the logo.

Thanks. I think we are in the home stretch here.

11 years ago
Logo Designer
Okay, see #52 and #53

Also, you'd have to change the boarder of the table to the same color as the long section of the chip
#405253, otherwise It looks horrible connecting the two colors.

Now when I look at the teal/blue chips they are to loud, I think you're really onto something
with #52, I like it!!
11 years ago

Awesome! I am leaning more towards #52. Although I am still a bit torn on the cards being high or low, I like the fact that the outline is all in black (I think it ties it together nicely).

The larger color on the poker chips is good. Can we go just a little lighter on the small color of the chips? Say something like E4E1C5? Against the red backdrop (which the actually tables will be red) the small color in the chips seems to go towards brown).

Other than that on #53 can I see it with white lettering instead of off-white?

I think it's safe to say at this point that #48 & #49 are a no-go.


11 years ago
Logo Designer
Agreed, will post new ones later tonight!!
11 years ago
Hey Bill,

One last thing. For the font in the chip I prefer the one on #45 if that's okay.

11 years ago
Ugggh I keep forgetting.

In terms of poker chip colors it will either be something along the lines of #52 (with minor minor adjustments) or #51. So we can safely say that #28 is out also.

I guess we can say that #44, #45 (with black outlines on the cards and white lettering for #44) are in the running and #52 & #53 are in the running (with the alterations I mentioned earlier).

11 years ago
Logo Designer
Okay, hopefully I understood your changes :)

New #54 and #55 and New #56 and #57

Let me know your thoughts!


11 years ago
Hey Bill,

Fantastic! The last thing I would ask is that for #54 & #55 if I could see an option with the cards on top, and for #56 & #57 if I could see an option with the cards on the bottom.

I would also like to know your thoughts on the design (I feel the designer should have a voice in this too). Other than that, I feel we can remove other versions that are on there so it's easier for me to show my business associates. Let's just leave #22 so I can show them where the design started out.

Thanks Bill!
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Okay, these are really turning out GREAT.

See #58 and #59 and #60 and #61

This is really a tough call, but my choice would be #54/55. I like the name "Pappy's" a little bigger
and centered at the top and I like the more understated color of the chips on top of the Burgundy
I also think it's more logical to have the cards on the table and let them be the last thing your eye
sees as you read the logo from top down.

11 years ago
Hey Bill,

So looking over the designs I am leaning towards #54 & #55. The only concern that I currently have is the fact the I need a design with "Pappy's" in black and on that's in white (for various applications). Is that something that we will be able to arrange?

Please let me know, thanks!
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Not a problem, but the black seems a little dark on the burgundy?

Here is #62 so you can see what I mean.

Let me know.
11 years ago
Hey Bill,

I totally agree. What I meant was that I would need both options. The options with "Pappy" in white would be for the tables and perhaps the chips, the one with "Pappy" in black would be tshirts and other materials. My question to you is would it be possible to get both, say if I chose #54 & 55.

11 years ago
Logo Designer
Of course, I will be sure you have whatever you need :-)
11 years ago

One final thing...would it be possible to get the aces on a separate layer? Or does the entire logo need to be flattened?
11 years ago
Logo Designer
I can send layers once the contest is complete.
11 years ago
Hey Bill,

Fantastic job! Well done. Your design was far-and-away the best design submitted. Also, I just wanted to say thanks for all the hard work that you did and feedback during the revision process.

I downloaded and took a look at the files submitted and everything looks good. How do I get the other version (Pappy in white) and the aces alone?

Once again, great work!
11 years ago
Logo Designer
All communication shoud now be by regular email that was listed on
the contract.

I have sent info to your gmail account that was listed on the contract,
you can reply back to my email :-)

11 years ago
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