PanPipe Productions LtdLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / PanPipe Productions Ltd

PanPipe Productions Ltd has selected their winning logo design.

For $500 they received 87 designs from 8 different designers from around the world.


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Logo Designer
a simple animation could be as each single note blown, star appears, and once all 6 appear, a chord plays (cohesiveness/team)

(This comment references Entry #19)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
actually, it might work better with the pipe and the word panpipe exist upon opening screen, and that as each note is played the stars starts to appear and gets stronger with the tone, this happens sequentially until all six stars (members of the teen, reach full brightness/intensity). Then all notes are played together as a chord and the word production appears. You could have it play a little playful tune as it goes off screen also if you wanted.

Also, was a little confused when i first saw your first place contest entries with the pied piper, since what he plays isn't really a panpipe which is greek origin and literally played by pan, but supposedly a flute.Makes a good character though, i guess. But, if that is what you were really going for, I guess I am way off base.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
pretty much same scenario as previous. each note (each team member appears) as note blown, with pan, filmstrio and word panpipe already on stage. Once all appear, chord blown and word "production" comes on., Then star come in to dot i. Could as in other scenario play a little tune with panpipes.

(This comment references Entry #29)
14 years ago
Thank you very much for your designs, especially your ideas around animation. We didn't really want an image of a panpipe, but I have to say I really like it...I will rank it and talk to my colleagues about it, and will have more detailed feedback on Monday evening/Tuesday
14 years ago
Thank you very much for your designs, especially your ideas around animation. We didn't really want an image of a panpipe, but I have to say I really like it...I will rank it and talk to my colleagues about it, and will have more detailed feedback on Monday evening/Tuesday
14 years ago
Thank you very much for your designs, especially your ideas around animation. We didn't really want an image of a panpipe, but I have to say I really like it...I will rank it and talk to my colleagues about it, and will have more detailed feedback on Monday evening/Tuesday
14 years ago
From 29, 30, 31, we prefer 30. You're the only one so far to use the mythologiocal figure of Pan, which is very interesting. We do prefer the figure in silhouette, can you change the design to show that? I'm not sure the idea of Pan will survive, I'll let you know more feedback tomorrow. Thanks :-)
14 years ago
We preferred the other designs, sorry, but thank you for submitting! The panflute is a lovely looking logo, not what we are looking for I'm afraid. Thanks
14 years ago
Logo Designer
again, the stars stand for the 6 partners. The animation could probably follow the same as for the greek pan or panpipe figures previously submitted.

(This comment references Entry #76)
14 years ago
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