Hi there, thanks for your designs, i'm sorry but there not the sort of thing i'm looking for, they feel a bit art and craft, i'm looking more for a gritty, edgy, urban, cool art thing.
I'm sorry but i'm not really feeling these, I prefer the pink colour than the blue, can you try a different font as the one you've used is a bit to boxy, i prefer the & to the left as in #323, i like the paint drips but i think theres to many, maybe one going through one of the words or even the & symbol. It looks a bit like snow is resting on all the letters. I hope this helps
Thanks for the new stuff, but there still not there, #339 and #340 are to colourful and brite. i like the ruffness of the background, like it's been painted on ruffly, can you work with the background but change the fonts...Thanks