Pacific Marine and IndustrialLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Pacific Marine and Industrial Pacific Marine and Industrial has selected their winning logo design. For $425 they received 109 designs from 11 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Logo Design Brief Edit Client kentbrown United States Slogan Trustworthy Global TechSupply What We Do Marine and Industrial Equipment Sales Company Industry Manufacturing & Wholesale Color Preferences Please use the dark blue, dark red and black that you see at The logo will be used primarily on top of the web site... and needs to fit in! Our Ideas & Additional Information We want a character mark with a Pelican as the main focus point in the mark. You can add other marine related images and or the letters PM&I. We like a vintage industrial marine look. Maybe a bit art deco. Think 40s and 50s industrial. We DONT want Pacific Marine & Industrial words in the mark. Themes MasculineSimpleModern Entries Order by Ranking Entry Number Order by Ranking Entry Number 1st ryank Withdrawn 2nd dapc79 Withdrawn 3rd Faith Withdrawn 4th ryank Withdrawn 5th ryank Withdrawn 6th ryank Withdrawn 7th ryank Withdrawn 8th ryank Withdrawn 9th ryank Withdrawn 10th ryank Withdrawn New ryank Withdrawn New ryank Withdrawn New ryank Withdrawn New ryank Withdrawn New ryank Withdrawn New ryank Withdrawn New ryank Withdrawn New ryank Withdrawn New Faith Withdrawn New Faith Withdrawn New Faith Withdrawn New Faith Withdrawn New Faith Withdrawn New Faith Withdrawn New Faith Withdrawn New Seven 9 Graphics Studio Withdrawn New JSN Withdrawn New JSN Withdrawn New Ngon A Djam Withdrawn New fermat Withdrawn New Yab Withdrawn New fermat Withdrawn New fermat Withdrawn New fermat Withdrawn New fermat Withdrawn New fermat Withdrawn New ryank Withdrawn New ryank Prefers others. Seven 9 Graphics Studio Withdrawn Prefers others. raymer Withdrawn Prefers others. Hunny Withdrawn Prefers others. Hunny Withdrawn Prefers others. Hunny Withdrawn Prefers others. Hunny Withdrawn Prefers others. JSN Withdrawn Prefers others. JSN Withdrawn Prefers others. Hunny Withdrawn Prefers others. Hunny Withdrawn Prefers others. Hunny Withdrawn Prefers others. Hunny Withdrawn Prefers others. Hunny Withdrawn Prefers others. Hunny Withdrawn Prefers others. Hunny Withdrawn Prefers others. Hunny Withdrawn Prefers others. Hunny Withdrawn Prefers others. Hunny Withdrawn Prefers others. Hunny Withdrawn Prefers others. ryank Withdrawn Prefers others. ryank Withdrawn Prefers others. ryank 1 2 1 2 Next > Discussion kentbrown Client ryank - nice work!... but more complex than what we want. Please focus on a few that are simple designs. You may use PM&I instead of the full "Pacific Marine & Industrial" or No letters at all. We certainly dont want the full Pacific Marine & Industrial in the logo. Very interested in the Flying Pelican like the image we posted. Remember: Keep it simple! 9 years ago kentbrown Client We want a character mark (Pelican) or an emblem mark. Elements you may choose to incorporate (be not necessarily all of them) are: PM&I, Pelican, Gear, Anchor. Keep it simple! 9 years ago kentbrown Client Would love to see a few Pelican Character Marks (without PM&I or Pacific Marine and Industrial in the mark). 9 years ago kentbrown Client I just updated the contest.... as we now know much more about what we want... (this is certainly a process!)Please use the colors shown in our web site: dark blue, dark red and black... the logo will be primarily used on the web site and needs to fit in. 9 years ago