Glad you like it...after reading the brief I want something that was strong sturdy and protective feeling without using typical icon around realty. I will make the adjustments you asked for in the forum. Greyscale center and lose the shine. Again thanks for the feedback #1
Great changes in #42. I like that you can really see the details in the tree. Can you make the first O in Oxford a little larger than the rest? Great job.
Went in a bit different direction with #50 wanted an easily removable icon that could be used separate from the rest of the logo. Think this would be nice on a letterhead or business card as a watermark.
hey man, great job on your designs! really. I don't know if you knew or not, but your 1st entry is misspelled. On the management word. Just thought i'd let you know. Good luck with the contest.
I really like where you're going with this. #49 the Oxford lettering doesn't look quite right Really like #50. Can you make the "Property Management" lettering large enough that it's the same width as "Oxford"?
The only thing I'm wrestling with is the prominence of "Property Management." Take a look at #22. I like how it doesn't overshadow Oxford but it makes it obvious that we are a Property Management company. Just a thought.