I like the symbol in the logos #61, #62 and #63, as it reminds me of my young days when sleeping in a tent. :) I think #61 is the best of the three - I like the sun. But I'm not sure if all the letters of "Oven" should be orange.
This center is owned by a group of churches. I spoke with one of the representatives yesterday, and he wondered if it was possible to make the logo suggest that this is a Christian camp, without making it difficult for people of other beliefs to rent the place.
So we don't want to use the cross or angels as part of the logo. However, the word "Oven" actually means "Above", so I am thinking maybe the logo should rather emphasize that - a connection to good things above, something that brings the thoughts to heaven, revelation, love from above - without getting too playful. ;)
Since you have one of the top entries, I would like to challenge you to see if you could come up with something along these lines.
By the way, the tent symbol, if used at all, should not be made more apparent than in #67. In a way, that is the past of the camp. The new facilites now mostly acommodate people indoors.