Thank you for your entries. I like 179 the most and will keep and rank it. The star is a cool graphic, but it comes across to me as if the "outperform" is about entertainment. Can you brainstorm some and come up with a different icon to go with the rest of the design?
I will prefer others above the entry 180, so I will discard it.
Please do make further edits to 179 and contribute anything else you may have.
I´m at work right now. When i arrive home. I will brainstorm some ideias on paper first and will try to submit the best for your review. Any other´s ideias if i may have i will submit also offcourse.
Thank you. I understand the time difference. These designs are excellent. The clocks, however, give the feeling that the business is athletics. I need something that is clearly business/consulting in theme. I like your fonts and the shaded box. Mostly, I'm just looking for the right icon to accompany it, because the icon has to stand alone. I will discard these based on the icon issue, but will appreciate anything else you have to offer.