hi, here's my proposal. - As you can see most of submissions are using a square / box for your logo. So Instead of using a box / square, I decided to using dots to make the logo really 'out of the box' (not using a box as element). - The red dot represent out of the box thinking (different with the other dots that stay inside the invisible box). - the group of dots could also represent a community - Simple yet strong to convey the message of your company
Let me know what you think. I hope I'm on the right direction.
hi, here's my proposal. - As you can see most of submissions are using a square / box for your logo. So Instead of using a box / square, I decided to using dots to make the logo really 'out of the box' (not using a box as element). - The red dot represent out of the box thinking (different with the other dots that stay inside the invisible box). - the group of dots could also represent a community - Simple yet strong to convey the message of your company
Let me know what you think. I hope I'm on the right direction.
oops, sorry. Somehow it's double posted. My previous comment was refers to #140
here's another version with the famous "nine dots" puzzle #141. As you know the goal of the puzzle is to link all 9 dots using four straight lines or less, without lifting the pen. I think this might be good to represent out of the box thinking as well. Hope you like it!
I really liked the idea of the #141 - The 9 dot puzzle. I recognized it right away and I think it is an excellent idea. I also like what you are doing with #140.
On both of them the center line seems to be a bit tall to me so maybe play with that and any other variations on the theme of solving problems with out of the box solutions would be great. In essence this is what we are doing with our Office Concept. It is Out of The Box. We are solving a problem company.
I was actually referring to the arrow created by the four lines. I'm thinking if that pointed up and to the right it would point the way to increasing profits for those who use our offices - not so much adding an arrow to the end of the line coming out of the triangle.
If you rotate the image in #155 90 degrees to the right the created arrow from the solution points up and to the right.
Also I'm thinking the fonts might need to be a bit bolder... Not sure. I'm thinking there will be signs on the outside of buildings and so the word office probably needs to be bolder and by extension maybe the word corporation as well.
The puzzle is solid. Now just trying to figure out the text copy. Might need something to make it pop a bit more.
Playing with #182 in my mind. The more I look at it the more I like it. The idea of starting with a box, solving the problem and then moving outside of the box up and to the right seems to have some validity. Even though there is also an arrow pointing down and to the left in the logo... Just playing with the positive and negative directions in the image. Obviously want the positive image to more then trump the negative image direction.
So I'm getting a little push back on the one I really like and that is the one which is the out of the box solution to the puzzle #222. Maybe a few more variations on #157 would be in order. I do like the idea that you are working with on both of these... :D
oh my... dropped down into rank 6th? did you have any consideration which makes you not interested with this concept anymore? Please let me know what your thoughts so we can discuss it
Maybe upper case the first letter in the word box in #361 and by extension any other words which might need adjusting to balance the copy. Looking good.
Could you do up #358 with different color dots (same color) or even a gradient of color that becomes green in the upper right sort of indicating that by thinking out of the box it's good for the environment.
#397 looks a little blurred (because of the fish) when looking at it. Not sure how to improve however I like the idea. Let's play a bit with #365 & #157. Doing the gradient colors potentially or with different color dot.
#397 looks a little blurred (because of the fish) when looking at it. Not sure how to improve however I like the idea. Let's play a bit with #365 & #157. Doing the gradient colors potentially or with different color dot.
You have a lot of very interesting designs so I'm playing with a couple in the top 5 so you might see a few move through there that I'm playing with in the Top 5 positions.
Awesome! I'm glad you like the tic tac toe concept. I think it's works well to represent out of the box thinking without having too literally. Still ready to do any revisions as much as you want.
Could you do a few variations of the design without the word "Corporation". I'm thinking about the outside of the office. Maybe the word Corporation might be too strong if its not the head office.
I know it should be pretty straight forward to make the changes however could you do the #411 with green dots only as well as maybe doing the separating line in different colors including green and red. In my mind if we do 3 in a row in the color green we are showing that Out of the Box is a Green company in using underutilized office space.