I like your style but there are too many different fonts and the logo is a little too abstract. I would like to see something more iconic, immediately recognizable.
I like #34 the best -- would like to see more color to it and a little more differentiation with the logo... and maybe some more cohesion to the font/use of color... Thanks.
#40 is really beautiful although the tone of it is slightly off message. The placement of the words in relation to the logo is perfect, I would like the logo to be a little more youthful and pronounced. I would also like to see more blues and reds. I love your work and would be excited to variations of this example. Thanks.
... #45,I have a question: in the logo portion the red and blue figures look like a "k" and an "f" which is really cool, if the first gray figure looked more like an "o" it would look like OKF... which would be great. But not sure if that works for you and the design... please let me know what you think and what that would look like.
We love it! Just want to make sure that #53 is your favorite and to know what the fonts used are so we can match when we do write-ups, web, etc... THANKS!!