I like your logo. I like the colors, the font..it's simple, but definitely a professional looking logo. A couple of suggestions, if you can adapt them. 1.) perhaps either italicizing or somehow making the the tag line a little more whimsical i.e. Changing the world through coffee...one cup at a time, and 2.) we've lost the exclamation mark at the end of our name. What can you do that can make it distinctive and stand out, perhaps give it a bit of a standalone appearance, such that the exclamation mark, itself, could possibly make people think of Others! logo--even if that is all that appears?
thx for the FB..The image of the coffee with a swirling exclamation mark was kind of an abstract attempt of making it distinctive, but I guess it was not definitive enough :) Here's a revision as requested...thank You
Nice inviting fonts and colors...anything that you could do to either bring people or coffee into the logo? I like how Entry #51 has a coffee cup's steam morphing into the "s" in Others!. # 42 uses the exclamation mark to connote a person....any thoughts? I like the simplicity. It's inviting. What can we do to make someone looking at this logo on a sign understand that this is a coffeehouse?