thank you for your submissions. Love the colors. Love the art work.
We like to think that we're more about the people we help "Others!" than we are about the coffee. Could you work in some little images of people in there somewhere? Just a handful of "faceless" people of different colors, similar to what you can view in some of the samples that we provided and that accompanied our Request for Proposals.
We'd also like to see our tag line "Changing the world through cup at a time..." in there somewhere.
A more playful type font could really make your logo interesting for us!
Thanks again. Hope you will submit some additional entries for us to review!
We like #28 a lot. Could you re-introduce the coffee beans into the the green at the bottom--might need to be reduced in size so it doesn't become too busy. What do you think? Also the people at the top...we like the idea a lot. Maybe a little more diverse population. If you look at the people in the "Others Layout 3" that we provided in the RFP, you will see a great selection of "faceless" people and diverse nationalities...maybe borrow an idea from there? The ones that you have presented seem a lot like well dressed Americans, when it's mostly Developing World people who are being most helped here. thanks you are on a great track!
Just wanted to provide some additional thoughts in addition to adding back the beans...TYPE FONT!. I think it might be the type font for Others! in your design that is keeping me, personally, from moving you into our #1 spot. We like the fonts used on the entries that are currently ranked #s1 and 2 by DeanDesign and BininSendri.. They seem playful and inviting. Would you show us some fonts along those lines? And, if the exclamation mark came out bigger than the rest of the font, that could excite us a bit too. We really feel that exclamation mark is our key to our identity. We want a simple, but "Ouuu that's a neat logo" when viewed up close, but also want the logo to be recognizable from a far distance--long before anyone can read it i.e. Target's red dot and circle. We kind of feel the exclamation mark can help define us and separate the name from all others. :>
Thanks for your comment. I tried to follow your suggestion #43 and #44 A new idea for #45 a smiley exclamation mark could identify your company (the up side of the exclamation mark is also a cup of cofee... of course). Happy Easter!