i think from a branding standpoint it would be best to have a single design that can incorporate all of your services. my icon is not overly representative of the electrical side but it is recognizable as a way to make your home shine, no matter which service you are providing.
Thanks for comming to my contest, I like #48 the best, can you drop the mirror effect, make the words residential electrical bigger or bolder, and fix spelling in the word Ostrom. If possible can you also show me what it would look like if it says Ostrom Electrical with no second line instead of Ostrom Services. I may use Ostrom Electrical untill I add new servcies then change to Ostrom Services.
Can you make the name Ostrom thicker or larger so it is equivalent or larger than the word electrical / services in logo #49 #50 and # 66. maybe just reverse the font / size. Thanks, D.J.
So far your the man! I'd really like to see the name Ostrom bolder either equal or bigger than Electrical. Also please check out my latest general post I think I have cleared up some things. If I choose your entry as the winner can I contact you directly in the future for updates or changes. D.J.
One more thing, on #50 can you make the green just a little darker, I really like this color but am afraid it may not stand out it some situations. D.J.
Here are some new versions with the updated fonts...If I am selected you can certainly contact me in the future for updates. I have been doing design for 10 years and don't plan on stopping ;)
Hey Jay, I'm almost certain your design will win. I would like to try a couple other things. Can you put the word Electrical under Ostrom or stagger it in case I need to use the logo in a narrow space like the back of a van. Also go back to the original font or maybe have the word Ostrom just a bit bolder than it originally was. I would like these changes in the Orange color or can you make it just a bit darker in the same shade. How do you think we wold handle a situation where the logo would be used on a dark background color? Thanks for your efforts D.J.
I am going to work on the new samples for you tomorrow morning. We can certainly adjust the design to fit it where you need it to I think the design will work fine on a dark background...the only thing I think you would have to change is the black part of the text to white and it will look nice. I can give you the reversed out version when we are all done as well.
Sorry it took me so long to get these samples back to you. I was sorry to see that you have ranked another design ahead of mine when you seemed so interested in it. I hope that these samples showcase the uniqueness of the design and the versatility it will have for you. I really think that the dark versions will look great on the side of your vehicles. Hope you enjoy.
I also used a darker orange, and made the font bolder for you.