Something a little different to help with the final ranking.
We have uploaded an illustration and a photo of a Crow's Feet, this is a family symbol. In the last stage to help us with the final ranking can you please try and incorporate these.
Hello. I,ve prepared some entries with your suggetions, but only first ranked is able to submit in jundging phase. You can re-rank provisionaly so that I can submit them. Please, send me a message if you re-rank. Thanks.
Hi. I can't do exactly what you suggest about entry #100 because that is the idea of another designer, but I've done some variations with the graphic and the "I" in entries #142, #143 and #144.
We are in the office today. We are closing on your entry #141, one last request, could you please leave the font same but change the image colours with vivid colours.