I love what you've done with some of these entries. The introduction of the hearts as leaves is mind-blowing.
It's hard to have a clear cut favorite amongst them because they are all such strong logos.
In #76 I like how the heart really stands out yet it is simplistic. The heart may benefit from having a little more definition.
In #74 I like how the hearts are integrated into the words of the logo. One thing that may help the heart on the y to stand out: have the branch extend a bit more and letting the heart be pulled down with gravity a bit? I also really like how you've ever so subtly highlighted the word psychiatry.
In #72 #71 #75 I like what you've done with the tree and making it emblematic.
dear contest holder here are entries with ajdustments : #95 #96 #97 #98 #99 please feel free to contuct me if you need modifications kind regards Tzina
dear contest holder thank you for the great feedback :) here are entries with adjustments and variations : #121 #122 #123 #124 #125 #126 #127 #128 please feel free to contact me if you have an inspiration or you need modifications :) kind regards Tzina
I'm speechless my friend. This clearly isn't easy deciding between these logos or giving you feedback.
In terms of #72 vs #129. #129 stands out to be much better. It's cleaner, crisper and the text does not take away from the icon you've added to the image.
In terms of #99, #125, #126, #127, #128, #129: The cursive O looks better with out the heart. - I don't like the P in #128, it feels out of place from the logo and disconnected from the word psychiatry. - #122 Similar to #128, the P feels disconnected from the word psychiatry. The P might look better at the current size in the same font as the rest of the word. - #125 easily looks better than #99. The image is less distracting with the heart just at the end of the Y in this case. It looks classic (in a good way). - #127 the word organic feels too foregin from the rest of the logo & word psychiatry. This maybe due to the contrast in fonts and how the words are laid out. They look much more synergistic in #126. - Speaking of #126, maybe the Y should string along and attach to the heart inside the O instead of at the end? I'm not sure if this will work because the O & the heart would need to be bigger in this situation.
- When moving on from #98 and #98 to #124 #121 & #123, I feel that it lost some pop. I think that is because the color of the O was changed from the green or tan purely a brown circle. The circle connected (#123) looks better than disconnected in these images. One thing that might be helpful is to stagger the Organic and Psychiatry to separate lines so not only the lettering can be bigger but the heart inside can be bigger as well.
- It might be possible that I just can't tell but #121 & #124 look identical to me.
Eventually I'd like to add some more color to the images we narrow it down to. I don't suggest we do that now as we already have a wide variety of designs you've created to work with. Please let me know if you have any suggestions. Clearly a color like grey, black, and purple not most likely not work.
I know that this is a bit long. Please let me know if you would like me to clarify in anyway.
At this point I can say you will definitely be in my top 5 for the next round.
thank you here are updates with adjustments and variations and some new concepts : #231 #232 #233 #234 #235 #236 #237 #239 #240 #242 please feel free to contact me if you need modifications kind regards Tzina
#231 I think I prefer the color scheme of #125 better. #231 has a bit too much green for me #232 #233 In terms of these 2 #233 works alo better for the same reason really that #232 has too much green. I wish I had some color suggestions. One thing I'm trying to bring across is more of a spring color palette despite how good other colors can look in general #234 #235 look faded to some degree. The overall layout for #234 is much better as the image is more condensed with out as much free space as #235 from side to side. #233 works better than #236 because of the same side to side argument as #234 > #235
#237 #242 You may be onto something here. I love how you are making the heart human. I still do have concerns about the amount of green but I figure we can always work on that later. The star does not work in either of these 2 logos as it makes them seem wishful. #242 may work better than #237. If you left-align the word "organic" just a bit more, you would be able to connect both dark green loops to the heart, which would give it a greater connection with the Y of psychiatry.
#239 is classic yet I don't believe this shows the same amount of emotion as some of the other images youve presented to me #240 is more of a modern take on #239. To me the 2 most important organs of psychiatry are the mind and most importantly the heart as you've done so well in conveying.
thank you It is a pleasure participating in your contest and working with you, since you are such a considerate contest holder and giving such great feedback I am working on it kind regards Tzina
hello here are entries with adjustments and variations : #328 #329 #330 #331 #332 #333 #334 please feel free to contact me if you have inspiration for modifications :) kind regards Tzina
I think my new favorite is #334. I like how the person is almost reaching for the heart but I feel his/her back is too arched. The arms may also benefit from being straighter and reaching directly to the heart
#334 stands our far and above the other images from this batch and even before.
Now that I have seen #334... #328 #329 #330 #331 #333 all look like a soul leaving the heart which wouldn't be what I want to communicate
#332 might be interesting in different colors but in general I'd rather work on #334 as it is much better
Best concepts thus far #334 > #96 / #98, #125, #247, #129 (all about the same but still very good)
BTW I'm sorry for the mix up with thebomber999, If I understand right you no longer want him to use the 2 lobed heart? That is absolutely fine with me.
I think other designers should be able to use the heart in general as the heart and the mind are very intimately linked. No one else will use the heart as a leaf as you have, that I can assure you.
Please feel free to let me know what your concerns are as well.
At this point all 5 of you designers are equal and I look forward to working with each and everyone of you to come up with the best overall logo.
thank you so much for your understanding and for the great feedback I am working on it :) I am sorry for any inconvinience as far as bombers99's designs concern but I felt that the 2 lobed heart shaping the leaf is my concept and if other designers using it how can I further develop it? That is why I have asked him to withdraw those designs Thank you again Tzina
No problem. The 2-lobed heart design is truly yours.
I spoke to my wife about #334. She really likes it too. She thinks it would benefit from the Y being fully connected as a heart and as the person leaping in it (with less of a back arc as I mentioned above).
hello here are entries with adjustments and variations : #339 #340 #341 #342 #343 #344 #345 the figure that have use is inspired from the great artist Matisse and his painting called the dance. The figure of the person is stretched like a bow but in a graceful way like a dancing figure that reaching towards his true heart to become one with have tried to soften the curve of the body but the design losses it's dynamic. So I have softened this just as needed in order to keep its strength and leaving a sense of emotional liberation
please feel free to contact me for modifications :) kind regards Tzina
I really feel that these images would be much cleaner and easier to understand if: - the heart loops were fully connected. I thank you for connecting the right side but I think the top would be helpful too - Removing the heart from with in (you may continue to have 2 different color shades as you've done with #343, but I think the larger heart should be fully filled in - Having the characters back arc less (maybe only a slight arc), as in the present form it feels as if a soul is being lifted or in cartoons when a soul is lifted out of a dead body. I definitely don't want to convey that message - I think having the character jump for joy inside the closed heart would convey a stronger more concise and cleaner message
Please let me know if you'd like clarification or if you'd like me to sketch this out.
Hello and thank you :) here are updates with adjustments and new variations of the character : #370 #371 #372 #373 #374 #375 #376 I hope this is closer to your needs :) please feel free to contact me if you need modifications kind regards Tzina
Could I see what this looks like with out the 2 tone heart colors inside? Or if you'd like to do 2-tone could I have more heart like colors such as red + orange or red + pink or 2 red variations?
#371 is my second favorite... but with out the small heart :) Maybe the character can use his/her arms to grab the loops of the heart and be bringing them together? That way the loops of the heart pass through the character? His/her head would stick out above where the loops of the heart came together
Another idea I had related to these 2 items was color shading of the Loops of the heart vs the Y. We could try a Red (loops of the heart) shading to --> Brown (Y).
Please let me know what you think as well :) I really like where these are going. My wife particularly likes these ideas too and so do her co-workers. They (the co-workers) say these two are some of the very best images they have seen in this tournament. That really helps because it's an outside perspective.
wow, you amaze me every time :) with your feedback you are directing my design a step forward :) great ideas I am working on them kind regards Tzina - lotus creative
hello here are updates and variations : #382 #383 #384 #385 #386 #387 #388 #389 #390 #392 if you need modifications feel free to contact me :) kind regards Tzina