I like what you've done with the logo, but I'm not sure how easily I can market that. I was looking for something a little more catchy across all adult ages.
Please feel free to be as creative as you'd like. I'd love to see what else you come up with.
#193 is your best entry yet, my only concern with the leaf brain is that it looks very sick and globular, unlike the real brain next to it. Maybe that's just the medical side of me speaking and maybe the clientele wouldn't pick up on that? I do appreciate you moving more to a brain type logo and your ingenuity in the process.
#193 (continued) In terms of the lettering, I thought "PSYCHIATRY" looked better in the previous images. A black shadow or border may work better than the current brown one, or as before not having an outline at all.
#193 - Thank you. I do understand where you are coming from in the globular sense but I don't think the average patient / client will go that far with it as you pointed out. I will make the changes you requested and see how you like them. Thanks again.
#210 is the best out of the recent batch. I'll post some more formative comments shortly.
Two immediate thoughts: The 'ORGANIC' may benefit from a slimmer yet similarly styled font & please let me know if you have any other visions of how you'd illustrate the brain in the logo. I still feel the leaf part of the brain isn't very symmetric compared to the actual brain on the right and I believe that is throwing it off more so than the globular aspect.
I really like what you've done with #218. The 2 hemispheres are more integrated and the gold shading makes both the brain and psychiatry pop. That image is head and shoulders above every other one you've created thus far.
I am focusing on the brad itself at this moment. I have one more direction I am working on. It still involves a brain but a slightly different take on it. Once I have that Idea submitted I will focus on changing the fonts with the brand you like the most. Thank you, I hope you like the new submissions.
Surprisingly I still like #218 over the most recent entries of #262 #263 #264 #266 I don't particularly care for the leaf aspect of things in all 4 of its elements although #263 is the most palatable.
The other surprising thing is that these are some of the few images I've liked that have gotten away with using essentially 1 color
#268 - the green leaf/plant material could easily be misconstrued as related to marijuana and I want to distance myself from that as far as possible. My only suggestion would be to use a heart or something as such on the other half? The heart and mind are so directly connected and many people intimately feel that way.
#270 - I adjusted the one you like so the brain looks more symmetrical and less diseased. I do see your point now that I compare them.
#268 - I combined the organic herb feel with the brain frame I had been using. This was one of my original ideas when I first got involved in your project, it just took a little longer to detail the herbs out so they looked right.
Obviously I am trying to get into first place with my submissions, if there is anything I can do to the designs I have submitted so far that would move them above some of the others, I will do my best to get it to you before the contest moves to the top five stage.
I think we're getting there my friend but we're obviously up against a deadline of sorts.
You're efforts and logos are clearly moving up but I'm not sure if you'll have enough to make it into the top 5. That's not a knock on you or your work at all, it's just that the competition has been so incredibly fierce.
I do like where you are heading with #277 #278 #279. I think I like the gold and red together more so than the red and blue. The heart alongside the brain is clearly looking better and so is the other version too but I think I still more easily relate to the whole heart next to the brain.
I think one thing #278 #279 would benefit from is that the space in between the 2 hemispheres is uneven in the center.
I'll continue to work with you as long as you're willing to but I can't promise anything at this point. Either way I appreciate all your efforts.
I will be sure to drop you a PM before the final rankings.
#326 - I cleaned up the heart as you requested and used the gold color in place of the blue. I am still curious how you are feeling about the font at this point.
#327 - I understand that symmetry is important so I made a full brain with a heart in the center.
My wife & I really like #327 I like the gold she doesn't. Im having difficulty visualizing what color may work there. She notes that the logo from #327 is her number 1 over all at this point... you're hunger & efforts are paying off
We can work on the fonts etc later. To me the most important thing is the look of the icon / logo before moving forward.
My first few options here are with Solid colors only. I would like to make sure we find an nice solid preferably two color option that you like and build from there. While I am designing I am keeping in mind the costs associated with printing this design. If you are happy with a one color version and a two color version then we can incorporate a gradient color similar to the style of the gold version using the new colors you chose. Depending on what you are using the logo in, you can choose at that time which will be the best. I have a lot of clients use one or two color on their letterhead and card while using the more complex version on their site for example.
Thank you for discussing that. I understand that costs go up as you print multiple colors. Ideally I'd like 3 colors but I could go with 2 as well.
The most important thing for me is that the logo helps people make the jump to my site or to my office (from an Ad or card). Costs might be more but I'm starting a practice from scratch and the costs of sitting around with idle time are higher than anything else. I'd like to fill up and do so as quickly as logically possible.
I like #351 the best it may benefit from being an even lighter blue
With #348 you could try more of a pure yellow or add more of an orange to it
The others I don't care for as much
Other things I noticed with this set: - I don't know how I feel about the extra tracing on the outside of some of the images - The middle indentation of the heart could be a little less pronounced
Yes, I think it looks more like a heart. to be honest with you when I first was designing it it was meant to be a leaf, which is why the middle was so long. As is evolved into a heart I just got so used to seeing it that it slipped by me. Good catch.
One thing I suppose we can start working on now is the font. My most immediate concern is that the bottom line should have some more oomph. Other then that I'm presently speechless.
This might be overkill: having some red vessels coming out of the heart and starting to cover the brain might be cool but I don't know if it's worth exploring
She felt #364 looked cartoonish for some reason. I'll check with her later when she gets back on why, something about the image but she was checking on her smartphone.
I like the slogan in the red, but maybe it could do with out the quotes and be turned down just slightly. This red style may also work well with the blue image.
I'll keep you posted once I hear more perspective.
Nice just as I'm posting some final comments before bed you have a few more entries.
#366 is the best entry yet. I'm still having trouble deciding between that and the color scheme of #362.
At this point in time the only knocks on your logo are: 1.) (Not that we've spoken about it) but the almost massive overweighting of the word psychiatry 2.) My wife and brother would like some more emotion to come through some how. I don't even have the fainted idea in terms of direction.
In terms of the top 5, all of you are insanely talented artists & designers. There is very little that separates one logo from the next and this sways easily when talking to anyone of the people close to me :)
I will work on the fonts in the morning and see what I can do to get back on top. Thank you. I know its hard but the good news is you get a good one no matter which you choose. Have a good evening.
Not to disrupt your creative flow, but for later #407 would the slogan fit in here somehow? and it may benefit from having 2 different fonts to the 2 words
I like #418 with the brain and heart as before. The brain looks flattened and the heart is starting to disconnect. The integration was better before IMO at least, I'll run it by her in a few hours
Not feeling the leaves really. I'm willing to keep checking and giving you feedback up until the deadline if you think/feel like you can make another final push like the first time around.
All of the logos are so ridiculously close in quality but right now rankings are based on the outside feedback I've gotten and that's despite the fact that there is little consensus
I was just seeing if I could improve my standing. I am trying different things as they come to me. i am curious if you think I should stick to the Brain heart thing or maybe try a different approach. along the brain heart line I was thinking of a heart shaped brain....any thought about that?