Organic PsychiatryLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Organic Psychiatry

Organic Psychiatry has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 450 designs from 34 different designers from around the world.


























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I really like #81 and #83

What other color schemes would #83 look good with? Maybe something other than the gray, which maybe a little dull
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Any colors would work, green seems to be a natural choice for your name. What colors do you like best and think would work for you? Glad to try your prferecence first if you have any.
12 years ago
Im not sure. I do know that #83 really stands out for me, especially in uniqueness. Please feel free to use your imagination.

Green does seem like an obvious choice as you mentioned
12 years ago
I forgot to mention that one thing I'd like to see with #83 as well is for the weight distribution from "Organic" & "Psychiatry" to be a bit more proportional, say ~60-40 or better
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the feedback, I can do that.
12 years ago
#104 looks great. My wife and I both concur.

There is one thing I think it lost as it changed from #83 is that the Organic feels too blockish and the logo as a hole feels "corporate"

I was thinking maybe use a softer font or size of the word organic in order to help move away from that corporate look?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Can do, will do, thanks for feedback.
12 years ago
#154 #160 #161

#154 looks great. It may benefit from swapping the fonts between the two words. I like the top down layout of the logo. Unlike most logos with a symbol above and 2 lines of words, it does not feel too tall or bulky. My concerns are the weight and feel distribution between the 2 words organic and psychiatry. One of my mentors has mentioned she really appreciated how your symbol represents the mind in some ways and growth in others.

#160 similar to #154 the feel/weight distribution between the two words could come across a bit better. It is important to me that people know I am a psychiatrist with out looking having to look too closely at the image.

#161 I love the font you've used for organic here. Maybe a lower case organic and an uppercase psychiatry might stand well next to each other?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the feedback, that helps. I'm trying to do symbol that doesn't look so much like produce or spa or herbal remedies because everyone does that so I am glad the relationship between mind and growth shows without falling back on the tired leaf idea. I will keep working on fonts and arrangements.
12 years ago
I agree and despite me envisioning the logo with leaves early on, the people around me have appreciated that you have stayed away from that.
12 years ago
#188 and #195 could benefit from better balance/weighting between the 2 words

All 3 images would benefit from some sort of emotional tie in somehow (most people think emotionally > intellectually and I want to make sure to lure them in with the logo)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I'm not sure what you are going for emotional and intellect speaking, but am trying to avoid getting too playful except maybe through the happy colors and peaceful circle shape. Afraid I might come up with something that could detract from professionalism but will see what I can do.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
One question - is your practice oriented toward children? You do not mention this but it occured to me from looking at other logos you like. If this is true I will be more playful, it would make sense then. Thanks!
12 years ago
I'll respond to the first post and then the second.
- I want to assure you that I truly appreciate your creativity, unique approach, the logos that you've come up with, how responsive you've been and most importantly your potential. I can tell you that you are in my top 5 for moving onto the next round and that you need not worry about taking a step back before making strides forward if that does indeed happen. Anyone of the logos by the designers in the top 5 are essentially in the top tier as I see it. Nothing's been decided overall and it's still up for a fair amount of debate between myself, my wife, my brother and some friends on how this continues to evolve and who is #1 at the end of it. I hope that helps.

- My practice demographics are actually everything but children. I'm able to work with mid teens to geriatrics. My true target age range is probably 30s-80s. I do appreciate the feedback. I am working on those images to be more life-like and adult-like at the same point but we're probably not there yet.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the feedback, that helps. I have worked with physicians before and am used to being kinda conservative.
12 years ago
I sent you a PM regarding your most recent post.

I also just came up with a crazier idea. What if we had a conceptual skull/head with a heart inside (or even vice versa ie a mind or brain inside a heart)?

That would instantly be something many people could relate to.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Not such a crazy idea, in fact I have seen it before. Not sure if it was for phychiatrist practice, tho, may have been neurology.
12 years ago
I was thinking a bit more about the idea and how to incorporate it into your current concepts (#188 #195)

Imagine using the dots in increasing size and color as you have but have them form 2 half circles. On one end of the circle they would point to a brain (silhouette of the side of a head or the brain itself) and on the other the heart

One flows to the other in a continuous cycle in a very graphically appealing concept.

What do you think?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
To be honest I think that would be very cluttered looking, but I might be able to do something else that is more simple with heart and brain. I will see what I can do, thanks for the feedback!
12 years ago
Fair enough. I appreciate your feedback as you probably have a much higher image conceptual ability than I do.

Another thing I had thought of, taking the present form of the logo yet having the finishing dots transform into growing hearts at some point.

Let me know what you think or what else you may have had in mind.

Thank you!
12 years ago
Flat, I haven't heard from you. I just wanted to make sure you were still interested. Please let me know if I can provide any clarity.

Thank you.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I haven't been too successful coming up with something using your ideas that looks clean and professional enough for me to present yet but will keep trying. It has to be clean and not cluttered or cartoonish and I'm not there yet.
12 years ago
Fair enough. I can respect that and easily relate. One of my closest cousins and even my brother would rather have something seen when it's far closer to being complete.

If you have any other ideas (that deviate from mine) I would be more than happy to at least speak of them.

Thank you!

The cleanness & crispness of your #188 continues to stand out to everyone. They particularly like the font you've chosen for the word 'organic'
12 years ago
You did not disappoint :) Really like #400

Only complaint my wife and I can come up with is the size/weight balance between 'organic' and 'psychiatry' It's important to me the word psychiatry stick out with at least a 40% weighting

Love the image. You guys are making this incredibly difficult for me (in a good way).

I could easily see the balanced version of it everyday and not get tired of... it's very pleasing on the eyes
12 years ago
#400 #410 are superior to #409 #401. The color combinations in the icon of #410 are brilliant.

Would it be possible to see the word psychiatry in one of those 4 colors of the dot sequence? I think the current green being used is a bit dark. I much prefer the green in #400 or one of the 4 dot colors
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I think I kind of like the turquoise in #412
12 years ago
That does look nice. It is a close second for me to #413. The color and feel of the green is very calming and fits in very well with its overall theme (After looking more closely I could see myself going either way on #412 / #413).

I think the word psychiatry is at a good size, could we make organic a bit smaller please?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#416 slightly smaller organic, but wanted it to be same width as psychiatry, so made letters smaller and added a bit more space.
12 years ago
Been looking at them for a while and gotten some opinions... #413 is my favorite over the turquoise etc

I'd like to see if the 'organic' is a little narrower or smaller in comparison to 'psychiatry'
12 years ago
Your designs are neck and neck with everyone else for #1. This will be an incredibly tough decision.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks, all this work has not been wasted. I'll be able to sell this design regardless, and it was fun!
12 years ago
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