I like the concept here, what stands out is the earth/planet concept. I like very much the idea that the "O" could be turned into a standalone pictorial graphic that could, hopefully, be instantly identifiable with the "brand." I like the font quite a bit as well, easy to read, organic. overall theres a "cartoonish", whimsical quality that doesn't resonate with me. It's partially the stars, which just look a bit glittery, and perhaps the font isn't quite there.
I think overall I like this but I'd like a bit more global sophistication. Thanks for all your hard work thus far!
These are much closer to my vision! I like the omission of the stars, I still feel like the big "o" is missing something, or perhaps needs something simplified or omitted. The font is a better choice, but I'm wondering if there's something a half step closer to the font in design #6...
Thanks for bearing with me..its really shaping up!
I really like the tomato concept, any chance it can be lightened up to more a less intense red? Also I'd like to see how it would look without the arrow point, I'm not sure it's necessary.
Hi there. I am selecting you as the winner, I'm not sure at which point I officially do this, but I do still need some further revisions before we settle on which logo will be the final version..
I would like to see a verison of the "peach" logo with a more flat graphic. No green outline, just solid fields of color. I'm envisioning something that resembles the Apple, but not too closely. Same would apply to the leaves, also I would like to see the leaf that is currently "split" simplified to just one shape.
I would be interested in seeing similar revisions done to the tomato, and taking the lightness of the red to even a further extreme.
I also definitely want to lose the arrow, and would like to see how a slightly thinner "orbit ring" would look.
We're so close!!! My understanding is we still have some time in the next phase to do revisions, but it's very nearly there. I am running around crazy right now, I will provide some more in depth feedback later on today. The revisions are on the right track! I'm very excited!
OK. I want to stick with the orange concept. Now that I have seen the flat, graphic version I've requested, I want to back track a half step. I do want to suggest the idea of a sphere as opposed to a flat circle. What I would like to see is if you can accomplish this using a gradient fill or something like it to suggest the volume. Also, I'd like to see the return of the two small white circle used to indicate a highlight, but definitely not the semicircular whitish highlights at the top and bottom of the sphere. They created a secondary out line to the shape and I much prefer it to not appear to have a strong outline.
I also wouldn't mind seeing a slightly more intense orange color for the orange itself.
Thanks!!! I appreciate your hard work and diligence with this!
Ps..I also have some questions regarding the final "package" as it were. I plan to use this logo on a website, as well as for print purposes, most likely T shirts etc. So I hope I'm correct in anticipating the final file package will include print and web appropriate files, as well as corresponding grayscale versions, as well as files that include the orange by itself, and hopefully a version that reads orbitingvegan.com
Am I correct in presuming that the file upload will address the versitility I'm going to require?
Regarding the P.S. - Yes, I can provide all of the files that you mentioned. When you choose a winner, the winner uploads an enlarged jpg of the logo, and the EPS file of the logo. Anything beyond those two files will be sent to your email address that you have on file with LogoTournament. I've made a list of the extras, and I'm working on them now.
Love it! Just want to run it by a few folks for feedback but it looks great! Will move to #1 rank when I am in front of my desktop, iPad won't let me do it.